Canon 550EX - Speedlite - Hot-shoe clip-on Flash Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание 550EX - Speedlite - Hot-shoe clip-on Flash

Страница 1: ...www orphancameras com...

Страница 2: ...System SetupandTesting page52 2 Wireless E TTL Autoflash page60 3 Wireless Manual Flash page 71 4 Wireless Stroboscopic Flash page73 5 Manual or Stroboscopic Flash Witha SlaveUnit page74 l _ l Thissec...

Страница 3: ...ansmitter ST E2 1 Setting the550EX astheMaster Unit 31 l SLAVE MASTER Attachthe550EXto thecameraandset the wireless selector to MASTER This 550EX willthenbethe master unit The m a s t e r u n i t s w...

Страница 4: ...EX asa Slave Unit l SLAVE MASTER Set the wirelessseiectorto SLAVE on the 550EXto be usedas a slaveunit A 550EXset in thisway is calleda slave unit The slaveunit sflash headzoom settingis set automatic...

Страница 5: ...uttonand selectEIII Pressing the SEL SET buttonchanges theselection inthefollowing loop f rEEIrr r EIt r l off Press the or thechannel No 1 2 3 or4 Press the SEL SET button The IIt icon and channel No...

Страница 6: ...vj 0 CF O to 3 5 6 Pressthe or button setthesamechannel No 1 2 or 4 asthemaster unit s Pressthe SEL SET button The EM iconand channelNo will be displayed ETTL Ef zoom Ytt z3i ffiA ar n MODE SEL SET Z...

Страница 7: ...TL Elzoom f Yrt 1 To set a slaveunit sslavelD press the SEL SET buttonand select tfliva Pressing the SEL SET buttonchanges theselection inthefollowing loop r Press the or Z theslavelD A B orC tt Press...

Страница 8: ...the master unit fromfiring a flash lt canstilltransmit wireless signals to trigger theslaveunits 4 Pressthe SEL SET buttonand I select r Pressing the SEL SET buttonchanges theselection inthefollowing...

Страница 9: ...indoor setup thepositioning canbe lessprecise sincethewireless signals canbounce off thewalls Afterpositioning the masterandslaveuni firea testflashto makesurethe wireless flash systemworks t Do not...

Страница 10: ...oneon camera Speedlite Withthe EOS 3 a modeling flashcan be firedto checkthe lighting effects lighting balance shadows etc before youtakethepicture Seepage50 Makesuretheslaveunitsarewithintheeffectiv...

Страница 11: ...theEOS 3 WiththeEOSElanll llE 50 50E EOSRebel G 500N EOSlX andEOSlX Lite lX7 a flashratio cannot besetwiththemaster unit 1 Wireless E TTL Autoflash WithFlash Ratio OFF lf noflashratiois desired the Al...

Страница 12: ...following iconson the I master unit sLCDpanel ETTL displayed lElEtcr notdisplayed it displayed t Makesurethemaster unit s pilot h lampis lit andtheslaveunitsare ready e Pressthe pilotlampto testthe t...

Страница 13: h e p i l o tl a m pt o t e s t t h e wireless transmission A Focusthe subjectand take the t picture Themaster unitcanalsobesetforbounce flash With masterflashOFF you can use one slaveunit as a wir...

Страница 14: ...asterunit andtwo slaveunitsareproperly positioned for the subject Forrndoors 1 2 m 1 3 9 4 f t 26 2ft Foroutdoors O Settingthe FlashRati6for Two SlaveUnits AandB WithslaveunitA being themainflashandsl...

Страница 15: ...lEr ON A B will blink Press the SEL SET button agarn lirlitrl A B and r flashratiobar will blink ln the leftfigure theflashratiobarindicates a flashratio of 1 1 4 Press the or theA Bflash ratio Presst...

Страница 16: ...sE TTLautof lash pictu re t a k i n go n p a g e6 0 a n d t a k e t h e picture Duringthe settingprocedure A B and r blinkfor 8 sec and then remain displayed To makethemblinkagain so you can alterthe...

Страница 17: ...eto illuminate the subject for a properexposure whileslaveunitC illuminates thebackground to eliminate shadows Evenwiththreeslaveunits theE TTLautoflash system controls theflashto obtaina correct expo...

Страница 18: ...ments TheslavelDoftheslaveunitonthecamera s leftisA TheslavelDoftheslaveunitonthecamera s rightis B TheslavelDoftheslaveunitilluminating thebackground isC Master flashOFFissetforthemaster unit Thecame...

Страница 19: ...veittotherightontheflashratioscale Press the SEL SET button The flash ratio bar and r Erm A B C remain displayed Press the SEL SET button agar n The r forA Bwillblink To change theflashratio repeat st...

Страница 20: ...ure compensation amount repeat steps8 to 10 li Follow the basic procedurefor I I wirelessE TTLautoflash on page60 andtakethepicture O SlaveGroups MultipleSlhveunitshavingthe same slave lD will be reco...

Страница 21: ...ill blinkas a warning Eitheru ea largerapertureor placethe slaveunitcloserto thesubjectandtry FElockagain O WirelessFlashExposureCompensation Aftersetting up the wireless flashsystemwithoneor moreslav...

Страница 22: ...DE button andselect M r Pressthe SEL SET buttonand I select theflashoutput display Pressing the SEL SET buttonchanges theselection inthefollowing loop Press the or v thedesired flashoutput 4 Press the...

Страница 23: ...iifor Pressing the SEL SET buttonchanges theselection inthefollowing loop GFFJfdr Flash output III J r _ off P r e s st h e lEFSrrOr ONA B or A B C l E5ftil ON A B or A B C will blink Press the SEL SE...

Страница 24: ...pressing the or button Press themaster unit s pilotlamptotestfiretheslaveunits t4 Wireless Stroboscopip Flash Aftersetting upthewireless flashsystem youcan themaster unitforwireless stroboscopic flash...

Страница 25: ...cansettheslaveunit s flashoutput yourself for wireless manual flashphotography 2 Forwireless manual flashphotograprry withWireless Transmitter ST E 1 Setting Manual Flash Witha Slave Unit On a slaveun...

Страница 26: ...ill then startblinking To set the stroboscopic flash see page46 _rH An independentsettingis retainedeven after the ffite unit s main switch is set to O Y Whenthe mainswitchis setto I again the indemnd...

Страница 27: ...arelisted below Settable withtheslaveunit Fordetails seetheSpeedlite Transmitter ST E2Instructions l _ l Whenusing theSpeedlite Transmitter ST E2witha Type A camera alsoreadpages112 ql to 125 Wireless...

Страница 28: ...ired shutter speed andaperture andstillobtainautoflash exposure Withthe EOS 1N theflashexposure is controlled by real time 3 zone off the film TTLautoflash metering linkedto theactivefocusing point mT...

Страница 29: ...n camera s picturetaking mode FullAutoMode I TTL Zoom 5 rn 0 50 7 1 1 5 2 3 4 6 9 13 18 m S e t t h e 5 5 0 E X sf l a s h m o d e t o TTL Fo sthesubject The shutterspeedand aperturewill be displayed...

Страница 30: ...atthepilotlampis red thenmovecloserto the subject and takethepicture again O FillFlash Fillflashcanbe usedoutdoors in daylight to supplement existing light lt can soften shadow areasofthesubject or il...

Страница 31: ...set bulb 30sec 1lXsec Manually set Manually set Yousetityourself Automatically set Setautomatically bythecamera 1lXsec Maximum syncspeed Seepage124 Whentheshutter buttonis pressed completely theflash...

Страница 32: ...flashrangedisplayed on the550EX s LCDpanel 5 Checkthatthe iconisdisptayed in tv theviewfinder thentakethepicture l l lf the t6p syncb geed displayblinks the background willbe overexposed And if the 3...

Страница 33: ...edandaperture manually See page 84 Basedon the shutter speedandaperture youset theTTLautoflash systemcontrols theflashexposure automatically lf youareusingtheCanonEF 135mm t12 8 softfocuslenson yourca...

Страница 34: ...ecamera selected aperture 1 Setthecamera s picture taking mode to Tv and set the desiredshutter speedanywhere from30 sec to the topsyncspeed O S e t t h e 5 5 0E X s fl a s h m o d e t o TTL 3 Focus t...

Страница 35: ...E X sf l a s h m o d e t o I rrl 3 Focus thesubject A Checkthatthe subjectdistance is rf withinthe flashrangedisplayed on the550EX s LCDpanel tr Checkthatthe iconisdisplayed in t theviewfinder thentak...

Страница 36: ...osure Bracketing page BB 3 Bounce Flash page 90 4 Close Distance FlashPhotography page92 5 Manual Flash Mode page 93 6 Stroboscopic Flash page95 7 Second Curtarn Synchronization page98 l _ Thissection...

Страница 37: ...nchanges theblinking setting inthefollowing loop T h e i c o n a n d f l a s h e x p o s u r e compensation display blink Press the or I t h e d e s i r e d fl a s h e x p o s u r e compensation amoun...

Страница 38: ...ject is smallandthe background is dark flashexposure compensation may notgivethedesired result Insucha case usethemanual flashmode Seepage93 5 6 E Effect onexposure of eachtypeofcompensation Effect E...

Страница 39: the SEL SET buttonchanges theblinking setting inthefollowing loop 7 lfr The iconandflashexposure bracketing display willblink l f t h e i c o n a p p e a r s p r e s s t h e SEL SET button again t...

Страница 40: ...current filmadvance mode Hl Beforetakingthe picture makesurethe flashis readyby checking thatthe 550EX s pilotlampis redor the I iconis displayed in theviewfinder lf theflashis notready only normalAE...

Страница 41: ...ted below Whenthe flashheadis turnedor tilted mm is displayed on the 550EX s LCDpanel W h e nt h e f l a s hh e a d sz o o ms e t t i n gi s automatic and the flashheadis turnedor tilted thezoomsettin...

Страница 42: ...umber andtry agaln a l Bouncethe flashon a plain white reflective surface lf a coloredsurfaceis used the tlt picture mayhavea colorcast 4 Withbounce flash i Withoutbounceflash O Creatinga Catchlight A...

Страница 43: ...bject thatiscloseto thecamera TTL Zoom 5fitt F 5 8 t 1 8 m Pressthe buttonandtiltthe flash headdownwarduntilit stops The r iconwillblink ontheLCDpanel This flash headpositionis effective only for subj...

Страница 44: ...withflash 1 At 111 or 1 2output Max 15continuous flash shots 2 At 114 or 1 8output Max 20continuous flashshots 3 At 1116 or 1 32output Max 40continuous flashshots 1 tl tftllt u s picture takins mode...

Страница 45: ...he focusing distance on the r lens R Checkthe flashrangeon the LCD v panel lf the flashrangedoes not matchthefocusing distance change theaperture untilitdoesmatch You can alsochangethe flashoutputunti...

Страница 46: ...ts from25 Hz to 50 Hz and in 1O Hz increments from60 Hzto 199Hz Stroboscopic flashcannotbe usedwiththeEOS750andEOS850cameras U p t o 1 0 0 fl a s h e s c a n b e f i r e d c o n t i n u o u s l y T h...

Страница 47: ...itemwill t h e n s t o p b l i n k i n ga n d r e m a i n displayed The nextitemwillthen startblinking Repeatsteps3 and 4 to setthenextitem Afteryou set the flashoutputand pressthe SEL SET button the...

Страница 48: ...ect t To set the exposure settings see Manual FlashMode on page93 A Checkthatthe t iconisdisplayed in theviewfinder thentakethe piciure To prevent overheating anddeterioration of theflashhead do notus...

Страница 49: ...e withthecamera tl Pressthe and I simultaneously to selectD on the LCDpanel Eachtimeyou pressthe and buttons simultaneously the display changes inthefollowing loop e Checkthatthe iconisdisplayed in t...
