| CAV 4.2 Operation Manual
Table 26 — Method Settings: Drop Criteria
Maximum Determinations
Maximum number of efflux determinations that will be run
when trying to match a set
Required Determinations
Number of valid efflux determination needed to produce a
matched set
Maximum % Difference
Maximum percent difference between efflux
determinations in order to be considered for inclusion in a
matched set
Maximum Efflux Difference
Maximum efflux difference between efflux determinations
in order to be considered for inclusion in a matched set
Drop Criteria Mode
Determines how the efflux determination will be selected
for inclusion in a matched set
Use Percent Difference
Stipulates that a positive match between two
determination is dependent upon the percent difference
between the two
Use Efflux Difference
Stipulates that a positive match between two
determinations is dependent upon the efflux difference
between the two
Use Either
If 'Use Percent Difference' and 'Use Efflux Difference' are
both set, then, if true, a match between two determinations
is made if either criteria is met; else if false, both criteria
must be met to produce a matched set.