Free-standing, battery-powered clock, ideal for use on outside broadcasts when time accuracy is required.
Avoids on-air embarrassment caused when temporarily rigged wall clocks fall off in mid programme. White face and black hands, face
diameter 131mm. This clock takes its reference from the UK master clock at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, which is
transmitted by VT Communications from Anthorn Radio Station in Cumbria, UK, as a ‘time-code’ on 60kHz long wave. The clock will
operate in any location where reasonable long wave reception is possible, within a range of up to 600 miles from Cumbria. The clock
controller receives and decodes the coded time signals, and uses these to verify the accuracy of its own internal precision timebase. As
the time signal is coded, it automatically resets the clock for British Summer Time.
Uses 1 x AA size battery (supplied).