CLD 135
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User instructions
Страница 1: ...CLD 135 N Na av vo od di il lo o z za a u up po or ra ab bo o User instructions SL EN ...
Страница 2: ...e catalogue of Candy products Please read this booklet carefully as it provides important guide lines for safe installation use and maintenance and some useful advise for best results when using your washing machine Keep this booklet in a safe place for further consultation When contacting Candy or a Customer Services Centre always refer to the Model No and G number if applicable of the appliance ...
Страница 4: ...t je prikazano na skici V primeru okvare ali nepravilnega delovanja stroja stroj takoj izklopite in iztaknite vtikaã iz vtiãnice ter zaprite pipo za dotok vode do stroja Nato pokliãite enega od poobla ãenih Candyjevih serviserjev da vam stroj popravi Ob morebitni zamenjavi vgradnih delov vedno zahtevajte vgradnjo originalnih Candyjevih rezervnih delov Neupo tevanje gornjih navodil lahko vpliva na ...
Страница 5: ...Nagnite stroj proti sprednji strani in povlecite navzdol 2 plastiãni vreãki s stiroporom ki sta name ãeni na boãnih straneh stroja S ãepom ki je priloÏen v vreãki z originalnimi navodili zatesnite odprtino v hrbtni strani stroja OPOZORILO DELOV EMBALAÎE NE SMETE PU âATI NA DOSEGU OTROK KER JE ZANJE LAHKO ZELO NEVARNA PROSIMO DA EMBALAÎO ODLOÎITE V SKLADU Z VELJAVNIMI OKOLJEVARNOSTNIMI PREDPISI 8 k...
Страница 6: ... 4 cm EN Fix the sheet of corrugated material on the bottom as shown in picture Connect the fill hose to the tap The appliance must be connected to the water mains using new hose sets The old hose sets should not be reused IMPORTANT DO NOT TURN THE TAP ON AT THIS TIME Position the washing machine next to the wall Hook the outlet tube to the edge of the bath tub paying attention that there are no b...
Страница 7: ...ENJENA VRATA Luãka se osvetli ko pravilno zaprete vrata in vklopite stroj Ko pritisnete na tipko START medtem ko so vrata zaprta luãka kratek ãas utripa nato pa ostane osvetljena âe vrata niso pravilno zaprta luãka e naprej utripa Posebna varnostna naprava prepreãuje takoj nje odpiranje vrat po koncu programa Poãakajte 2 minuti in ko luãka ugasne lahko odprete vrata Ko je program pranja zakljuãen ...
Страница 8: ...e V stroj se natoãi veãja koliãina vode tako da se detergent bolje raztopi kar zagotavlja e bolj uãinkovito pranje Tudi pri izpiranju se v stroj natoãi veã vode kar zagotavlja uãinkovitej e odstranjevanje sledi detergenta iz perila kar je e posebej pomembno za osebe z neÏno in obãutljivo koÏo pri katerih bi lahko tudi najmanj e sledi pralnih sredstev povzroãale alergije To funkcijo priporoãamo tud...
Страница 9: ...jte na tipko za nastavljanje ãasovnega zamika dokler vse luãke 3 6 9 ne ugasnejo kontrolna luãka STOP utripa Zdaj lahko roãno vklopite program pranja pritisnite na tipko START ali pa izklopite stroj obrnite gumb programatorja v izklopljeni poloÏaj 16 F SL TIPKA ZA INTENZIVNO PRANJE S pritiskom na to tipko lahko pri programih za bombaÏ aktivirate senzorje za novi sistem Activa Senzorji zagotavljajo...
Страница 10: suitable during the selection of the program It is possible to modify the spin speed in any moment also without to pause the machine SPIN SPEED INDICATOR LIGHT When you set a program the maximum possible spin speed will be automatically shown by the relevant indicator light Choosing a smaller spin speed by the appropriate button the relevant indicator light will go on TIME COUNTDOWN SYSTEM IN...
Страница 11: ...g ali za le nekoliko vlaÏno perilo Pralno su ilni stroj avtomatsko zakljuãi program ko doseÏe izbrano stopnjo suhosti Zaradi pravilno delovanje stroja odsvetujemo prekinitev programa su enja razen ãe je to nujno potrebno âasovni programi 120 minut 90 minut 60 minut 30 minut Indikatorji imajo dve vlogi âe izberete katerega od 3 avtomatskih programov su enja indikatorji kaÏejo ãas do konca su enja S...
Страница 12: ...a posameznih kosih perila madeÏi ki jih je treba odstraniti s pomoãjo tekoãega belila priporoãamo da ta postopek opravite v stroju pred pranjem polnega stroja perila Odmerite tekoãe belilo v ustrezen predalãek vstavljen v predelek II predelek za detergent za glavno pranje in izberite posebni program Izpiranje Ko je ta program zakljuãen obrnite gumb za izbiranje programov v izklopljeni poloÏaj doda...
Страница 13: ...quid bleach container inserted into the compartment marked II in the detergent drawer and set the special programme RINSE When this phase has terminated turn the programme selector on the OFF position add the rest of the fabrics and proceed with a normal wash on the most suitable programme TABLE OF PROGRAMMES Resistant fabrics Cotton linen Cotton mixed resistant Cotton mixed Cotton Mixed fabrics a...
Страница 14: ... The main wash and the rinse gives best results thanks to the rotation rhythms of the drum and to the water levels A gentle spin will mean that the fabrics become less creased 3 SPECIAL DELICATE FIBRES This is a new wash cycle which alternates washing and soaking and is particularly recommended for very delicate fabrics such as Pure Machine Washable Wool The wash cycle and rinses are carried out w...
Страница 15: ...predalãka za pralna sredstva odmerite le 20 priporoãene koliãine detergenta za obiãajno pranje SL 9 POGLAVJE PREDALâEK ZA PRALNA SREDSTVA Predalãek za pralna sredstva je razdeljen na tri predelke prvi I je namenjen detergentu za predpranje drugi II je namenjen detergentu za glavno pranje âe uporabljate tekoãi detergent vstavite priloÏeno posodico za uporabo tekoãega detergenta v predelek II To zag...
Страница 16: ...lahko prihranite do 50 energije PRIPRAVA PERILA ZA SU ENJE V SU ILNEM STROJU Priporoãamo da perilo pred su enjem v su ilnem stroju ãimbolj oÏnamete in sicer tako da izberete centrifugiranje z najvi jim moÏnim tevilom vrtljajev Na ta naãin boste pri su enju v su ilnem stroju prihranili veliko energije 30 EN CHAPTER 10 THE PRODUCT IMPORTANT When washing heavy rugs bed spreads and other heavy article...
Страница 17: ...obraãanjem gumba programatorja na OFF Odprite vrata stroja in poberite perilo iz bobna PRED IZBIRO PROGRAMA ZA PRANJE POSAMEZNIH VRST PERILA PREGLEJTE RAZPREDELNICO PROGRAMOV TER UPO TEVAJTE ZGORAJ NAVEDENI VRSTNI RED OPRAVIL SL 32 EN WASHING VARIABLE CAPACITY This washing machine automatically adapts the level of the water to the type and quantity of washing In this way it is also possible to obt...
Страница 18: ...ome practice is needed for the best drying results We recommend setting a lower drying time than indicated when first using so as to establish the degree of dryness required We recommend not to dry fabrics that fray easily such as rugs or garments with a deep pile to avoid air duct clogging The water is then conveyed to the drain circuit wich is sealed and therefore no steam can be released outsid...
Страница 19: ...o 5 kg in case of large items e g sheets or very absorbent items e g towels or jeans it is a good idea to reduce the load Close door Turn programme dial to cotton If you would like your fabrics cupboard dry press the drying programme selection button until the indicator lights up If you would like your fabrics iron dry press the drying programme selection button until the indicator lights up If yo...
Страница 20: ...enjena ugasne Stroj izklopite z obraãanjem gumba za izbiranje programov v izklopljeni poloÏaj OFF Odprite vrata in poberite perilo iz stroja Zaprite pipo za vodo SL 38 5 kg MAX CHAPTER 13 AUTOMATIC WASHING DRYING WARNING ONLY A MAXIMUM 5 KG OF DRY LAUNDRY CAN BE LOADED Refer to the list of washing programmes according to fabrics to be washed e g very dirty cotton and without pressing Start button ...
Страница 21: ...ali topili VzdrÏevanje stroja je zelo enostavno pomembno pa je da redno ãistite naslednje dele predalãek za detergent filter oziroma da pripravite stroj v primeru selitve ali dalj ega mirovanja âI âENJE PREDALâKA ZA DETERGENT âeprav ni nujno pa priporoãamo da obãasno oãistite predalãek za pralna sredstva saj se v njem sãasoma naberejo ostanki le teh Predalãek previdno izvlecite iz stroja Predalãek...
Страница 22: ...Preglejte filter Zamenjajte tesnilo in dobro privijte cev na pipo Poãakajte nekaj trenutkov in stroj bo vodo izãrpal Izklopite tipko ali obrnite gumb za nastavitev vrtljajev centrifuge Izravnajte stroj z regulirnimi nogicami Odstranite trnsportno za ãito Perilo v bobnu enakomerno porazdelite 42 SL âI âENJE FILTRA Pralni stroj ima vgrajen filter ki zadrÏi vse veãje delce npr kovance gumbe ipd ki bi...
Страница 23: ...e from the washing itself and even in small quantities may produce visible signs of the formation of foam Carrying out further rinses in cases such as this is not useful 2 If your washing machine fails to function carry out the above mentioned checks before calling the Candy Technical Assistance Service 1 Does not function on any programme 2 Does not load water 3 Does not discharge water 4 Water o...
Страница 24: ...b ki ne bodo bistveno spremenile lastnosti proizvoda The manufacturer declines all responsibility in the event of any printing mistakes in this booklet The manufacturer also reserves the right to make appropriate modifications to its products without changing the essential characteristics ...
Страница 25: ... organ za odstranjevanje odpadkov komunalno sluÏbo ali trgovino v kateri ste izdelek kupili This appliance is marked according to the European directive 2002 96 EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment WEEE By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health which could otherwise be caused by inappropri...