1. Introduction
This four-component net radiometer, manufactured by Apogee Instruments, provides individual
measurement of net radiation components. This sensor features an SDI-12 output, eliminating
the need for multiple analog channels to measure the individual components of net radiation.
The SN500SS offers a complete package that includes a net radiometer, mounting rod, pigtail
lead cable for data logger interface, and a carrying case.
This manual provides information only for CRBasic data loggers. For retired Edlog data logger
support, contact Campbell Scientific.
2. Precautions
(p. iii) section at the front of this manual.
Care should be taken when opening the shipping package to not damage or cut the cable
jacket. If damage to the cable is suspected, consult with Campbell Scientific.
The SN500SS is a precision instrument. Please handle it with care.
When cleaning the sensor, never use an abrasive material or cleaner on the diffuser.
3. Initial inspection
Upon receipt of the SN500SS, inspect the packaging and contents for damage. File damage
claims with the shipping company.
4. QuickStart
A video that describes data logger programming using Short Cut is available at:
. Short Cut is an easy way
to program your data logger to measure the sensor and assign data logger wiring terminals.
Short Cut is available as a download on
. It is included in installations of
LoggerNet, PC200W, PC400, or RTDAQ.
SN500SS Net Radiometer