Mode 0
If this mode is selected, the device will attempt to determine automatically when high
throughput communications are desired and temporarily disable the Wi-Fi module power-save
mode while the high throughput communications are ongoing. The power-save mode will be
re-enabled when the high throughput communications are finished. Use this mode for a good
balance between communications speed and low power consumption.
Mode 1
If this mode is selected, the device will disable the Wi-Fi module power-save mode at the first
sign of any type of communications and re-enable the power-save when communications are
finished. Use this mode when throughput is of more concern than power consumption and
communications seem too slow using Mode 0.
Mode 2
If this mode is selected, the device will leave the Wi-Fi module power-save mode enabled at all
times even during communications. This lessens throughput a great deal but saves more power
overall. Use this mode if power consumption is of greater concern than throughput.
B.2.12 WLAN Domain Name
This setting is only relevant when the Wi-Fi Configuration is set to Create a Network. When
attempting to communicate with the device, attached Wi-Fi client devices can use the domain
name specified here which will be resolved to the device IP address. For example, the data logger
webpage can be accessed by entering the domain name specified here into a web browser.
B.2.13 Wireless Networks in Area
This is a read-only field that lists the networks available in the area. Information listed for each
network is: SSID, RSSI / Signal Strength, Channel, and Security. Sometimes areas are covered by
multiple access points configured with the same network name (SSID). In that case, multiple
unique access points possessing the same network name (SSID) may be listed here.
B.3 RS-232 tab
B.3.1 RS-232 Configuration
This setting controls which process will be associated with the RS-232 port. The following values
are defined:
NL241 Wireless Network Link Interface