9.8.1 Serial talk through and comms watch
The options do not have a timeout when connected in terminal mode via PakBus. Otherwise
P: Serial Talk Through and W: Comms Watch ("sniff") modes, the timeout can be changed from
the default of 40 seconds to any value ranging from 1 to 86400 seconds (86400 seconds = 1 day).
When using options P or W in a terminal session, consider the following:
Concurrent terminal sessions are not allowed by the CR6.
Opening a new terminal session will close the current terminal session.
The data logger will attempt to enter a terminal session when it receives non-PakBus
characters on the RS-232 port or CS I/O port, unless the port is first opened with the
If the data logger attempts to enter a terminal session on the RS-232 port or CS I/O port because
of an incoming non-PakBus character, and that port was not opened using the
command, any currently running terminal function, including the comms watch, will immediately
stop. So, in programs that frequently open and close a serial port, the probability is higher that a
non-PakBus character will arrive at the closed serial port, thus closing an existing talk-through or
comms watch session. If this occurs, use the
setting to send comms watch or
sniffer to a file.
For more information on Comms Watch see a video
9.8.2 SDI-12 transparent mode
System operators can manually interrogate and enter settings in probes using transparent mode.
Transparent mode is useful in troubleshooting SDI-12 systems because it allows direct
communications with probes.
Transparent mode may need to wait for commands issued by the programmed mode to finish
before sending responses. While in transparent mode, the data logger programs may not
execute. Data logger security may need to be unlocked before transparent mode can be
Transparent mode is entered while the computer is communicating with the data logger through
a terminal emulator program such as through Device Configuration Utility or other data logger
support software. Keyboard displays cannot be used. For how-to instructions for communicating
directly with an SDI-12 sensor using a terminal emulator, watch this
9. Tips and troubleshooting