PM 1000289 000 01
Device handbook SIRAX BT5200
Connection Terminal
Connection Element:
Conventional Screw type terminal with indirect wire pressure
Permissible cross section
of the connection lead:
≤ 4.0 mm single wire or 2 x 2.5 mm Fine wire
Nominal range of use:
0 °C … 23 °C … 45 °C (usage Group II)
Storage temperature:
–40 °C to 70 °C
Relative humidity of annual mean:
≤ 75%
2000m max
Ambient tests:
EN 60068-2-6:
± 2 g
Frequency range:
10 … 150 … 10Hz,
Rate of frequency sweep:
1 octave/minute
Number of cycles:
10, in each of the three axes
EN 60068-2-7:
3 x 50g
3 shocks in each direction
EN 60068-2-1/-2/-3
Cold, Dry, Damp heat
EN 61000-4-2/-3/-4/-5/-6 EN 55011
Electromagnetic compatibility
10. Dimensional drawings
11. Interface Definition Modbus RTU
SIRAX BT5200 supports Modbus RTU protocol (RS485).
The permissible address range for the BT5200 is between 1 and 247. Broadcast Mode (address 0) is not allowed.
The maximum latency time of an BT5200 is 200ms i.e. this is the amount of time that can pass before the first response character is output.
After sending any query through software (of the Master), it must allow 200ms of time to elapse before assuming that the BT5200 is not going to
respond. If slave does not respond within 200 ms, Master can ignore the previous query and can issue fresh query to the slave.