PM 1001484 000 08
Device handbook SINEAX DM5000
6.4.7 Resetting the communication settings
If the communication settings of the Standard
interface are no longer known, they can be
reset to the default settings by pressing the
sunk-in reset button (located below the
operating LED) for at least 3s. During the reset
the operating LED flashes red. After the reset
the device is rebooted.
6.5 IEC 61850 interface
The features of the IEC61850 interface are described in a separate document:
>> IEC61850 interface SINEAX AMx000/DM5000, LINAX PQx000, CENTRAX CUx000
This document is available via:
6.6 PROFINET IO interface
The PROFINET interface provides a cyclical process image, which can be freely assembled by the user.
6.6.1 General stations description file (GSD)
The GSD file describes the functionality available via the PROFINET interface of the device. During
system design by means of a configuration tool (e.g. TIA or Simatic Step 7 of Siemens) the GSD file
serves to implement devices with a minimum effort.
The description language of the GSD file for PROFINET is GSDML (Generic Station Description Markup
Language), thus a language independent XML format. Sources for the download of the GSDML file of the
device are:
USB stick with software and documentation, no.156‘027 (optional)
The website of the device itself: