PMP Synchronization Solutions User Guide
IP default bypass
PMP-0297 007v001 (January, 2017)
IP default bypass
Since the UGPS is connected to the access point/backhaul master timing port, the UGPS module
provides a bypass to perform an IP Default to a device connected on UGPS Timing Port 1 or 2. To
perform an IP Default for a radio connected to the UGPS follow the procedures below (
applicable to 450i Series
Procedure 20 IP default procedure – UGPS receiving external power
Using the power supply providing UGPS power, plug an Ethernet cable into the
power adapter’s “Gigabit Data” port then pin out the opposite end of the cable
Jumper the loose-end RJ-45 pins per the wiring table below:
Table 29 UGPS IP default bypass wiring
AP to Default
Wiring on External Power Connector
UGPS Timing Port 1
Connect Pins 3 and 6
UGPS Timing Port 2
Connect Pins 1 and 2
For PMP 100/400/430/450 and PTP 100/200/230/450 series, reboot the radio to be
defaulted while the RJ-45 pins are jumpered. After the radio has finished
rebooting, the software will be restored to a factory default configuration.
For PMP 320 series, once the RJ-45 pins are jumpered while the radio is powered
up, the pin contacts may then be separated and the radio may be rebooted.
When the radio powers back up, the software will be restored to a factory default
Procedure 21 IP Default Proceudre – UGPS receiving power from backhaul master timing
With the UGPS unit powered by the backhaul master’s timing ports, connect an
RJ-45 8 pin Ethernet cable to the External Power Port on the UGPS and pin out
the loose end of the cable.
Jumper the RJ-45 pins per the wiring table below:
Table 30 UGPS IP default bypass wiring
AP to Default
Wiring on External Power Connector
Timing Port 1
Connect Pins 3 and 6
Timing Port 2
Connect Pins 1 and 2