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AFX Series Power Source Operation Manual
Page 112 of 402
Waveform Smoothing Filter
User defined or arbitrary waveforms can contain sudden transients, which equates to high
order harmonics. Such types of waveforms can result in over or undershoot when applied at
higher frequencies (i.e. 400Hz to 800Hz). An extreme example of this is a pure square wave,
which would require infinite output bandwidth to accurately reproduce.
To mitigate this effect, the AFX Series® offers a smoothing filter feature (
FW rev 1.3.3. or
higher required
) that may be used to smooth these transient. This filter using a moving
average method over 1 to 101 samples to reduce the slew rates of these abrupt transitions.
A value of 1 represents Disabled (default setting) so no smoothing takes place.
The two samples below show the same square waveform with no smoothing (disabled) and
smoothing over 100 waveform data points (max.).
Figure 6-6: Waveform with no Smoothing Filter Applied
Figure 6-7: Same Waveform with maximum smoothing Filter Applied