3. A small window like shown on the following picture will be opened. Please double-check the
displayed IP, you might adjust it in the drop-down list here.
4. Login with username service and password service
5. Now you see on the right side the file system of the ACU like shown on the following picture.
On the left side you see the computers file system.
6. Browse on the left side to the desired location to which you like to save the backup
7. Right-click the app.dat file and choose copy in the drop down list. The file will immediately
be copied to the location shown on the left side. If you have saved targets, you might backup
them in the same way. They are named targetXX.txt . XX represents the number of the
8. To copy a backup file to the ACU, browse on the left side if the window to the desired
app.dat and copy this file to the ACU in the same way (right click->copy)
9. After copying an app.dat file to the ACU, you have to reboot the unit (power off). By next
starting up, the new app.dat file will be used.
(C) 2022, SatService GmbH
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