Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd
2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009)
Tel:+86 592 5901215
web: en.caimore.com
3. Please don’t specify IP casually except ISP required to do so, otherwise,
online is unavailable
4.1.2 PPPOE Configuration
PPPOE is the short name of point-to-point protocol over Ethernet, and it can make
Ethernet host connect with remote access concentrator by a simple bridge equipment
Picture 4-1-2
Working Mode:
PPPOE Disable:
only use 3G network, do not use PPPoe
only use PPPoe, do not use 3G
Static IP:
Use Wan for internet
Static IP Master,3G/4G backup:
Mainly use PPPoe. When PPPoe is unable to
used, then use 3G
Switch mode
User Name:
user name access to public network, supplied by ISP.
Password access to public network, supplied by ISP.
enable WAN MASQUERADE or not
enable TCOMASS or not
Specific Static IP:
It is specific static IP or not
Static IP:
Specific static IP
Default Gateway
Static IP gateway address
After dial up succesffuly, the page will show as below picture 4-1-3