Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd
2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009)
Tel:+86 592 5901215
web: en.caimore.com
Enable GPS function.
Disable GPS function.
Center address and port :
set center address and port.
TCP protocol which interact with data center
UDP protocol which interact with data center.
Whether the initiative to report:
Initiative to report GPS data to a central address.
Not initiative to report the GPS data to a central address.
Device ID
: The user-defined gateway’s mark.
Custom registration package:
the user-defined registration package .
The uploaded GPS data options:
Open the initiative to report, choose GPS data
content uploaded to the central address.
GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG, ZDA the data contents, see Appendix 7.
Not the initiative to report then,to receive AT command description.
Get Coordinates: AT + LOCATE:
Re: Lon = 118.176565; Lat = 24.493771; (Lon =
Longitude (ddmm.mmmm); Lat = Latitude (ddmm.mmmm)).
Get Time:
AT + TIME: Re: Time = 125959; (12 H 59 M 59 S; Note: GPS reception
time is world time, users need to convert it into local time according to their own time
zone, such as China in the East eight zone, world time +8 hours).
Get Data Status:
AT + STATUS: Re: Status = A; (A positioning data valid, V
position data is invalid).
Get relative speed:
AT + SPEED: Re: Speed = 1.13; (rate is 1.13 nm / hr).
Get altitude :
AT + ALTITUDE: Re: Altitude = 58.2; (Altitude is 58.2m).
Chapter 5 FAQ
Frequent on/offline
Please enter system status to check network signal situation, to confirm
whether network signal is too weak.
Please check corresponding parameters of keeping-online, whether rules are
If keeping-online destination IP uses domain name, please log in gateway
command terminal (appendix 1) to confirm whether decode domain name and
visit destination address normally.
Forget passwords
Please restore to default setting, reference appendix 4.