Electronic Instrumentation
A7030-AG7030 3kV/ 1mA (1.5W) HV Boards
channel OFF due to external TRIP line signal
channel OFF due to internal OVERCURRENT condition
channel disabled by board INTERLOCK protection
channel OFF due to exceeded power limit (>1.5W)
After a E-TRIPPED, I-TRIPPED, EXT_DIS notification, it is necessary to perform a CLEAR ALARM cycle, before turning
the channel ON.
Moreover it is possible to monitor board parameters, such as measured Temperature, HIMax and HVMax,
and to check board status; the following messages may be returned by the POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM when
monitoring the board status:
board temperature < 5°C
board temperature > 65°C
Interlock protection
Fig. 2
INTERLOCK electrical scheme
In order to enable the HV output channels, first of all it is necessary that SAFETY LOOP pin on the Radiall
52pin output connector is short circuited with the next RETURN pin (pin 21 on A/AG7030
7030T; pin 10
on A/AG7030L); if the board features SHV connectors, skip this step.
Then it is necessary to configure the
Interlock connector as follows:
contact open
voltage level (0÷1V, ~5mA current) between pin 2 and pin 3
short circuit pin 1 with pin 2, and pin 3 with pin 4
voltage level (4÷6V, ~5mA current) between pin 2 and pin 3
A schematic diagram of the Interlock input is shown in the figure above, where the diode is part of opto-coupler stage.
means that channel is hardware disabled.
The front panel Interlock LED is ON when the INTERLOCK is active; as INTERLOCK is active, channels are turned off at
the fastest available rate, regardless the RAMP DOWN setting.
Grounding specifications
The Mod. A7030 channels share a common floating return (HVGND), insulated from the crate ground (DGND). This
feature allows on-detector grounding, thus avoiding loops which may increase noise level. HVGND and DGND may be
connected, by short circuiting J1 jumper pins on the motherboard (see figure below).
Fig. 3
J1 jumper location
EXTTRIP and INTTRIP parameters are expressed in Hexadecimal format