Electronic Instrumentation
A7030-AG7030 3kV/ 1mA (1.5W) HV Boards
Operating modes
The Mod. A7030
AG7030 boards can be controlled, either locally or remotely, through the SYSTEM software
interface. For details on SYSTEM operation, please refer to the User's Manual of this product. The following sections
contain a description of commands available for the board control and status monitoring.
Output control and monitoring
For each output channel, it is possible, through the system, to access the following parameters:
CHANNEL NAME (settable):
descriptive name for the relevant channel
V0SET (settable):
the first of the two allowed voltage programmable values.
I0SET (settable):
the first of the two allowed current limit programmable values (OVC warning only)
V1SET (settable):
the second of the two allowed voltage programmable values
I1SET (settable):
the second of the two allowed current limit programmable values (OVC warning only)
RUp (settable):
the Ramp-Up parameter value, i.e. the maximum voltage programmable increase rate.
RDWn (settable):
the Ramp-Down parameter value, i.e. the maximum voltage programmable decrease rate.
TRIP (settable):
the TRIP parameter value, i.e. the maximum time an Over Current condition is allowed to last.
SVMAX (settable):
the maximum voltage value programmable for the channel. If the value set as SVMAX is less
than the current value of the V0SET/ V1SET parameter, the latter will automatically decrease
to the SVMAX value.
VMON (monitor):
monitored voltage value
IMON (monitor):
monitored current value
offset value which is added to IMon to adjust its value to zero
STATUS (monitor):
it displays the channel status.
the Power parameter shows the ON/OFF channel status. As this parameter is set ON, the
channel is switched on (if the INTERLOCK is not active and if the channel is enabled either
locally or remotely) highlighted in green when channel ON; onstate = ON; offstate = OFF
Power-On option, which can be enabled or disabled. If this option is enabled, at Power-On or
after a Restart each channel is restored in the same condition (defined by the Power
parameter) it was before the Power-Off or Reset. If this option is disabled, at Power-On or
after a Restart all the channels are off, independently from the condition in which they were
before the Power-Off or Reset ; onstate = Enabled; offstate = Disabled
PDwn (Kill/Ramp):
Power-Down option, which can be set as KILL or RAMP. It affects the way the channels react
at a Power-Off command caused by a TRIP condition. If the KILL option is selected, the
relevant channel will be switched off at the maximum rate available. If the RAMP option is
selected, the voltage will drop to zero at a rate determined by the value of the Ramp-Down
parameter programmed for that channel; onstate = Ramp; offstate = Kill
2N-bit word (hexadecimal) maximum 16 lines, where N is the number of t
he board’s Internal
Trip Bus lines. Bits [0;N-1] allow the channel to sense the trip status from the corresponding
lines when set to one; in the same way, bits [N;2N-1] allow the channel to propagate the trip
status over the Trip Bus: bit N on line 0 and s
o on (see SY4527 User’s manual).
Must be set in the 0÷255 range (hexadecimal). Bits [0;3] allow the channel to sense the trip
status from the corresponding lines when set to one; in the same way, bits [4;7] allow the
channel to propagate the trip status over the trip bus: bit 4 on line 0 and so on (see SY4527
User’s manual).
If the POWER ON option is enabled, as the module is turned ON, the channel is restored to the same
condition it was before the POWER OFF or RESET; if this option is disabled, at POWER ON or after a RESET,
the channel is kept OFF independently from its previous condition.
Channel STATUS Flag
The following messages may be returned by the SYSTEM when monitoring the channel STATUS:
channel ramping up
channel ramping down
channel in OVERCURRENT condition
channel in OVERVOLTAGE condition
channel in UNDERVOLTAGE condition
channel reached VMAX condition