Cadillac Escalade Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-
12460268) - 2019 - CRC - 4/18/18
Find Cadillac-recommended
maintenance services.
GM Mobility
Reimbursement Program
This program is available to qualified
applicants for cost reimbursement, up
to certain limits, of eligible
aftermarket adaptive equipment
required for the vehicle, such as hand
controls or a wheelchair/scooter lift
for the vehicle.
To learn about the GM Mobility
program, see www.gmmobility.com or
call the GM Mobility Assistance
Center at 1-800-323-9935. Text
Telephone (TTY) users, call
General Motors of Canada also has a
Mobility program. See www.gm.ca or
call 1-800-GM-DRIVE (800-463-7483)
for details. TTY users call
Roadside Service
U.S.: 1-800-224-1400.
Canada: 1-800-882-1112.
Text Telephone (TTY) Users (U.S.
Only): 1-888-889-2438.
Service is available 24 hours a day,
365 days a year.
Calling for Service
When calling Roadside Service, have
the following information ready:
Your name, home address, and
home telephone number
Telephone number of your
Location of the vehicle
Model, year, color, and license
plate number of the vehicle
Odometer reading, Vehicle
Identification Number (VIN), and
delivery date of the vehicle
Description of the problem
Services are provided for the duration
of the vehicle
s powertrain warranty.
In the U.S., anyone driving the vehicle
is covered. In Canada, a person driving
the vehicle without permission from
the owner is not covered.
Roadside Service is not a part of the
New Vehicle Limited Warranty.
General Motors North America and
Cadillac reserve the right to make any
changes or discontinue the Roadside
Service program at any time without
General Motors North America and
Cadillac reserve the right to limit
services or payment to an owner or
driver if they decide the claims are
made too often, or the same type of
claim is made many times.