Dear User!
CableWorld Ltd. regards digital television technology as
one branch of the coming years’ media technology, and
which is going to merge more and more with computer
technology and with technologies based on Internet
Protocol (IP). The ASI to IP CONVERTERs and the IP to
ASI CONVERTERs have been developed with this approach
in mind; these devices are the connecting link between both
Using the ASI to IP CONVERTER, the transport stream
(TS) carrying radio and television programmes or other
data, can be transposed from the widely used ASI
environment in computer networks, in the first step in 100
BaseT or 1000 BaseT Ethernet network. After having been
transposed in the computer network, the TS can easily be
analyzed, stored etc. in the computer.
The IP to ASI CONVERTER performs this transposing
in the opposite direction. It permits data streams generated
in the computer or transmitted via communication network
etc. to be converted into ASI data streams.
Using both devices in pair permits the transmission of
the TS through computer networks and IP based
communication networks.
Both the CW-4941 ASI to IP CONVERTER and the CW-
4944 IP to ASI CONVERTER is built in standard 19" × 1
HU instrument frame. They are delivered along with
following accessories:
1. Power cord
1 ea.
2. Spare fuse T 1.25 A
(placed in the fuse holder mounting)
1 ea.
3. Crossover cable with RJ45 connectors
1 ea.
The power consumption of both types is very low
therefore no cooling or ventilation is needed.
The input signal of the ASI to IP CONVERTER is a
standard ASI transport stream. The device can receive
ASI signals with both 188 and 204 Byte format. The ASI
input is of loop-through type, at the ASI output a
regenerated signal is delivered.
The IP to ASI CONVERTER generates 188 Byte
format null packet series using a digital synthesizer,
which can be programmed in 1 Hz steps in a very wide
frequency range (from several Hz to several 10 MHz).
When at its Ethernet input it receives transport stream
(TS) implanted in UDP (User Datagram Protocol)/IP
packets, it puts the packets carrying useful data in the
place of the null packets. The device is equipped with
two independent active ASI outputs, thus the output
signal can be led to two further devices without any
additional element.
The ASI to IP CONVERTER is configured by
It can be made to send the TS to the computer, which
has addressed it ("to Me”). In this mode, using
CableWorld’s software, the device can be operated also
as a transport stream analyzer.
Further, the TS can be broadcasted, that can be used for
signal distribution through the network for program
distribution, or for educational or development purposes etc.
In the third mode, the TS can be sent to a given IP
address. Here, the device sends out ARP (Address
Resolution Protocol) messages to find the addressee,
and only starts sending the TS after having received an
answer from the given address. This mode permits the
transport stream to be transmitted even through the
most complex IP based networks. In multicast mode the
UDP packets will be sent out unconditionally with the
preset parameters.
Sending the transport stream can be switched on or
off via the Ethernet network. The device can also be
programmed to start operation always with sending the
transport stream after having been switched to power.
Both devices can be programmed with the SW-4901
Gigabit Ethernet Controller software, which is free
available for downloading from the www.cableworld.hu
web site.
Budapest XI., Kondorfa u 6/B
Tel.: ++36 1 204 7815
Fax: ++36 1 204 7839
Internet: www.cableworld.eu
E-mail: [email protected]
ASI to IP Converter
IP to ASI Converter