BYD Battery-Box Premium LVS
Service Guideline and Checklist
Version 1.0
Valid for Premium LVS 4.0 / 8.0 / 12.0 / 16.0 / 20.0 / 24.0
LVS 16.0 (4 M PDU - max. 64 Modules in 16 Towers per System)
BMU (1 x per System)
Make sure to always use the latest version of this service document,
available at:
Important: The installation and all other kinds of works or measurements in combination with the Battery-Box
Premium are only allowed by professional and qualified electricians.
This checklist is a shortened assistance for the Battery-Box and does not replace the original manual, which can
be found on
. Subject to technical
modifications; no responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of this information. Attention: Improper handling
can cause danger and damage.