3481 State Road 419 • Winter Springs, Florida 32708 USA • tel 407-327-6333 • fax 407-327-5020 • www.bvmjets.com
KingCat/BobCat Crow Setup
Install flap servos, set Matchbox for proper direction using transmitter side lever per “flap section” of manual.
Basic crow setup uses 4 Program Mix’s. Remember these steps or place this page in your transmitter case for reference.
This suggested method allows the easiest adjustment of all mixes to achieve proper crow function and flight benefits.
P-Mix 51
Allows side lever to be deactivated.
P-Mix 52
Slaves right aileron (Aux 2) to left aileron (ail channel)
Don’t forget – trim function on.
P-Mix 53
Activate crow in left aileron with full flap position.
P-Mix 54
Activates crow in right aileron (Aux 2) with full flap position.
Disabling flap side lever (Program Mix #51)
Use a flap-to-flap mix (#51 if available)
Move side lever to establish offset of -86
Deactivate flap lever (code #17)
Use Program Mix value (#51, flap-to-flap) to raise flap to “up” position. Value may be as high as 100-125
Use code 66 to set half and full flap – using flap gauge. Set elevator trim at half and full flap. (Approx. 6 up for half, 10-12
up for full, fine tune after first flights).
Aileron to Aux 2 mix (Program Mix #52)
Use Mix #52 (if available) to slave Aux 2 to aileron channel.
Set deflection value to 100%, both directions.
Verify Aileron and Aux 2 both move as aileron with proper direction (reverse #11 channel 7 if necessary, verify proper trim
function of both ailerons).
Crow Mix
(Program Mix #53)
Flap into left aileron 6
Activate Mix 53 (flap to aileron 6
Place flap switch to full flap position.
Page Mix and move “land” icon to upper position. This activates crow only when full flap is chosen.
Crow Mix
(Program Mix #54)
Flap into right aileron (Aux2) 6
Activate Mix 54 (flap to aileron 6
Place flap switch to full flap position.
Page Mix and move “land” icon to upper position. This activates crow only when full flap is chosen.
Receiver Connections
Wiring From | Receiver Port
Left Aileron
Right Aileron
Flap Matchbox