Safety instructions
V-LOAD Cutter Megastar silage block cutter
General safety instructions
General safety instructions:
apply in general and are intended to ensure the safe operation of
the accessory equipment,
are summarized in the subchapters below.
Danger area / work area and hazard areas
The danger area is the area in and/or around the accessory
equipment where dangerous situations may arise that will affect the
health or safety of a person.
No one is allowed to stay inside the danger area:
while the engine of the tractor is running with the hydraulic /
electronic system connected,
unless the tractor and the accessory equipment are secured
from starting up inadvertently or rolling way.
Only if no one is inside the work area of the accessory equipment is
the operator allowed to:
move the accessory equipment,
shift the moving components of the accessory equipment from
the transport position to the work position and vice versa,
power work tools.
The danger present in the work area arises from certain hazard areas.
These hazards are present at all times or may arise unexpectedly.
Hazard areas are marked by warnings attached to the accessory
equipment. These warnings warn of existing residual hazards.
This operating manual contains action-related safety information that
warn of existing residual hazards.
These hazards may arise from:
the operating movements of the accessory equipment and its
work tools,
the inadvertent lowering of the raised accessory equipment /
parts of the accessory equipment,
the tractor starting up or rolling inadvertently.