Bushnell 780050 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1


for                      80mm SPOTTING SCOPES

1.  With the scope mounted securely on a sturdy tripod, rotate the bayonet mount eyepiece 

counter-clockwise until white index dot is about at the position shown in Photo #1. 

2.  The eyepiece can be easily pulled straight out when it has been rotated to the correct 

position for removal. Note the outer threaded area that will be used to attach the 780050 

camera adapter (

in place of the eyepiece-the adapter has its own internal optics


3.  You will need a “T-Mount” ring, available from most larger retail or internet photographic 

or optics dealers. Consult with your dealer to make sure you purchase the correct 

T-Mount for your SLR camera brand and model. You will need to specify if you have a film 

or digital camera, and also (for some brands) if it has manual or auto-focus. The T-Mount 

has standardized screw threads on one side (

for attaching to the 780050 camera adapter

and the bayonet lugs that fit your type of SLR camera body on the other end.

4.  Remove the dust caps from both ends of the 780050 camera adapter, then screw your 

T-Mount ring onto it (

the smaller, straight end of the adapter as shown

), making sure to 

keep them parallel so you don’t cross-thread them or strip the threads.

5.  Attach the connected 780050 adapter and T-Mount ring by carefully screwing the larger, 

flared end of the adapter onto the outer threaded part of the scope’s eyepiece mounting 


6.  Remove the lens from your SLR camera (

check its manual if you have not done this before


and set it aside in a safe, dust-free place, attaching front and rear protective caps to the 

lens if you have them. Attach the camera body onto the T-Mount by lining up the index 

mark on the T-Mount with the one on your camera (

typically a red or white dot

), then 

carefully rotating the camera body until it clicks into place on the T-Mount (

the direction 

of rotation will vary with camera brand/model

). An alternative method is to loosen the 

large screw on the outside of the adapter near the T-Mount (

see arrow, photo #4

), allowing 

you to hold the camera body still and rotate the back half of the adapter along with the 

T-Mount until they click into place on the camera.  This screw on the camera adapter 

is also provided so you can easily rotate the mounted camera relative to the spotting 

scope, so it is in position ready to use or access camera controls while the camera remains 

securely mounted. 

7.  To take photos, use the self-timer feature or a remote shutter release for your camera 

to avoid vibration. Focus using the focus knob on the scope as you look through the 

camera’s viewfinder (or display on some digital models). Some cameras may allow you to 

use auto exposure (“aperture priority” mode), but most will require switching to manual 

mode and experimenting with shutter speed and/or ISO settings to get the correct 

exposure, as there is no connection between the camera’s electronics and  the scope, 

which gives you the equivalent of a 1000mm (35mm film or sensor) or 1500mm (APS-C 

size digital sensors) telephoto “lens” with a fixed  f/13.3 effective aperture. An internet 

search for the “Sunny 16 Rule” will give you a good starting point-with the camera set to 

ISO 200, typical shutter speeds will likely be between 1/200 and 1/400 sec. on a bright 

day. If you get dark results, use a slower shutter speed or higher ISO setting (and vice 

versa if photos are too light).

8.  When you finish using the camera adapter, simply reverse the assembly process: remove 

the SLR body from the T-Mount and replace the lens you normally use on it, unscrew the 

camera adapter from the scope (you may keep the adapter and T-Mount connected if you 

like for faster assembly next time), and finally bayonet the eyepiece back on to the scope, 

starting with it lined up as shown in photo #1, then rotating it clockwise until the white 

index dot is centered at the top again.

9.  Even with an expensive SLR camera and the high quality of your Elite scope, getting good 

results like you see in magazines or websites can take a lot of patience, experience and 

practice. An internet search for “digiscoping” will yield a variety of useful tips and ideas 

from other nature and photography enthusiasts.







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Lit#  98-2162 / 06-11
