Bushman Tank
Installation Guide
Congratulations on your selection of a Bushman Tank.
Bushman is known around the world for its quality products. Your
purchase of a Bushman tank demonstrates your commitment to water
Bushman has designed and manufactured your tank to give you long,
trouble-free service. In the unlikely event that a manufacturing fault
emerges, it will be fixed or replaced at no cost to you. Please see our
limited warranty document for details.
The important information included in this Installation Guide will help
you prepare for the arrival and installation of your Bushman tank.
Remember, your tank must be installed correctly to ensure long life
and so as to not void your warranty.
Be aware that the tank is a confined space. DO NOT EVER ATTEMPT TO
If you have any concerns or questions, please call us at:
1-866-920-TANK (1-866-920-8265)
Monday through Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm CST
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Rev. D 2/19/19
When your tank arrives, please put at least 1” of water into the tank or otherwise secure it from being blown
away by unexpected winds. Bushman takes no responsibility for tanks being damaged in this manner.
1. Prepare a level area at least one foot larger than the diameter of your tank. Installation on a level surface is
critical. Install 3-4” of crushed drainage rock (3/4” stones) and tamp to make level. Alternatively, a concrete
pad or pavers can be used.
2. Locate your water tank near an existing downspout or water source. If installing your tank with a BCK-0001
first flush accessory kit (recommended) keep the tank within 6’ of the water source. The BCK-0001 has
precut lengths of pipe that are 6’ long.
3. The tank is moved into position. If positioning requires a crane or other equipment, this cost is at the
purchaser’s expense.
4. The tank must be tied down to prevent it from being blown away. Adding an inch or two of water in the
tank will help keep it secure.