Instruction Manual
Страница 1: ...Instruction Manual CDVD12SWM...
Страница 2: ...pingforwardandback 7 QuicksearchFWD RWD 7 Stoppingplayback 7 Repeatplayback CD DVD 7 Displayfunction 7 SEARCHfunction 8 Programplayback upto20tracks 8 Selectinganaudiotrack 8 Changeviewingangle 8 Subt...
Страница 3: ...a suitablepowersource asdescribedintheoperating instructionsorasmarkedontheproduct Themainsplugisusedasthedisconnectdevice the disconnectdeviceshallremainreadilyaccessible Thissymbolmeansthatthisuniti...
Страница 4: ...gnedanumber which iscalledtitlenumber chapternumberortracknumber respectively Theremaybediscsthatdonothavethese numbers Copyright information Thisproductincorporatescopyrightprotection technologythati...
Страница 5: ...22 23 14 15 16 2 3 24 1 5 4 6 7 8 9 STANDBY SETUP TFT ON OFF DVD USB SD 9 10 11 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 3 1 4 1 SPEAKERS 2 SETUPMENUbutton 3 STANDBYbutton 4 MODEbutton 5 AUDIObutton 6 VOLUME buttons...
Страница 6: ...irectskiptochapter numbers SKIPPREV NEXT Presstoskip DVDchapters CDtracksPREVor NEXT PROG Programanalternate playbacksequenceforDVD CD QUICKSEARCHRWD FWD Press repeatedlytocyclebetweenthe fastrewind f...
Страница 7: ...socket 17 onthesideoftheunit 2 Inserttheotherends colouredred white yellow intoyourTV 3 Thered whitesocketscarryaudio Theycanbe connectedtoeithertheTVinputsoranexternal amplifier Takenotetomatchthecol...
Страница 8: ...tthemenuoptionyou require thenpressthePLAY PAUSEbuttontostart playback Setting the volume level 1 UsetheVOLUME buttons 6 oneitherthemain unitorremotetoincreaseordecreasethelistening level 2 UsetheMUTE...
Страница 9: ...hroughtheavailable audiotracks andthedetailswillbedisplayedonthe screen NOTE ThisDVDplayerdoes NOTsupportDTS audio Ifyouselect aDTSaudio track or oneis selectedautomaticallyno sound will beoutput Shou...
Страница 10: ...e Anti ClockwiseorClockwise 3 PICTUREFLIP Pressthe navigationbuttonstofliptheimage 4 SLIDESHOWTRANSITIONS Duringtheslideshow pressingthePROGRAMbutton willcyclethroughalltheavailabletransitionpresets I...
Страница 11: ...UEEZE Selectthismodewhenwatching older4 3DVD s ANGLEMARK SelectONofyouwishanicontobedisplayedwhenthe multi angleoptionisavailable OSDLANGUAGE ThissetstheOn ScreenDisplaylanguage Choosebetween English...
Страница 12: ...hisoptiontowhatevertypeofTVyouhave connected NTSC PALorAUTO tosetautomatically PREFERENCE MENU cont AUDIOLANG Choosethedefaultaudiosetting ThismeanstheDVD playerwillautomaticallyselectthislanguageasth...
Страница 13: ...sertthediscortry anotherdisc Ensurethedisciscompatiblesee TechnicalSpecifications onpage13 The systemstops operating wheninsertingaUSBdevice or memorycard Theusbdeviceorcardmaynot becompatible Tryanot...
Страница 14: ...teaditshouldbehandedovertotheapplicablecollectionpointfortherecycling ofelectricalandelectronicequipment Byensuringthisproductisdisposedofcorrectly youwill helppreventpotentialnegativeconsequencesfort...
Страница 15: ...ntee does not cover accidental damage misuse cabinet parts knobs or consumable items The product must be correctly installed and operated in accordance with the instructions contained in this manual I...