Maintenance | 7
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7.1 Maintenance Schedule
The maintenance intervals depend very much on the individual operating conditions.
The intervals given below are considered as starting values which should be
shortened or extended as appropriate. Particularly harsh applications or heavy duty
operation, such as high dust loads in the environment or in the process gas, other
contamination or ingress of process material, can make it necessary to shorten the
maintenance intervals significantly.
Every 3 months
• Check the oil level, see
Every 6 months
• Clean the machine from dust and dirt.
Gas tight version only
Every 5000 hours, at the
latest after 2 years
Depending on the requirements in terms of gas tight-
• Replace sealing rings (contact Busch).
Gas tight version only
Every 10000 hours, at the
latest after 2 years
• Check that pressure lines are not clogged, see
Pressure Relief Lines Maintenance (Gas Tight Ver-
sion Only) [
Every 6 years
• Have a major overhaul on the machine (contact
7.2 Oil Level Inspection
• Shut down the machine.
• When the machine is stopped, wait 1 minute before checking the oil level.
The oil level should stay constant over the lifetime of the oil. If the level does fall, this
indicates a leak and the machine requires repair.