3. The machine will begin the cleaning cycle –
hot water will be added to the cleaning tablet,
disolving it for use as a cleaning agent.
NOTE: The cleaning process can take up to
5 minutes to complete. If for any reason the
cleaning process needs to be halted, press
Stop button.
If the
Stop button is pressed any time during the
cleaning process, the clean cycle will be halted
and the machine will again prompt the user
"DO NOT PRESS STOP" – the machine is
resetting. The machine will rinse, then return to
the beginning
Clean screen.
4. During the cleaning process, the user will be
provided with a progress bar and given a notice
regarding the next cleaning procedure
(Touch Panel Cleaning).
Cleaning Touch Panel
1. The final cleaning process is
Touch Panel
The user is prompted to have the provided
cloth ready before starting the next step.
2. Press the
Start button.
3. Once the "Start" button has been pressed for
Touch Panel Cleaning, the touch panel is
deactivated for 15 seconds. During this time,
the screen will change and provide a countdown
allowing the the touch panel to be cleaned
without activating any other operation.
After the touch panel cleaning reaches the end
of it's countdown, the machine resets and
returns to the main selection screen.
Cleaning Tablets
continued >