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Work process
The workflow described here is a process pattern. It can and must be adapted to the specification of
the prepreg manufacturer and to the layer specification.
a) If you do not use floating press technology (only possible with 4-layer multilayers), it is best
to pin-lock the plates outside the press area to align the layers correctly. To do this, drill all
layers and also use these holes as registration marks in the film. We recommend cutting the
prepregs smaller than the registration mark spaces to prevent resin from flowing into the re-
gister marks holes.
b) Place your press stack between the press plates.
c) Protect the press plates from sticking by kraft paper or Tedlar foil (release foil). Pay attention
to suitable materials to avoid a fire and thus substantial financial losses.
d) Continue to ensure suitable pressing temperatures in order to avoid burning of the printed
circuit board material and thus the possible formation of toxic and hazardous gases.
e) Set the pressing pressure for a plate from 210x300mm² to 12 bar (RMP3545 for plate 330 x
420mm² to approx. 8 bar).
f) For normal FR4 prepregs set a temperature of 155 - 175 ° C.
g) activate the heater.
h) a normal press cycle with FR4 depending on start and take-out temperature between 1 and
2 hours (according to type of pre-press and age of the prepregs).
Allow the machine to cool to a maximum of 50 ° C (approximately 30-45 minutes) to avoid
severe skin burns when removing, or use suitable gloves.
In no case should the plate material be removed at more than 100 ° C. The resin will still be
in Gel -condition and the stack could delaminate.
k) Take the final stack out of the machine and remove the pinning.
The whole process takes up to 3 hours. The raw format of the plates generally changes from
250x350 mm to 210x300mm² (due to the flow behavior of the resin / keyword: poor resin).
If you take appropriate measures to ensure that the plate stack comes out of the oven at a temperat-
ure of 100 ° C, you can reduce the process times to half an hour. This adjustment is solely the re -
sponsibility of the supervisor and we disclaim all liability.
Bungard Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG, Rilkestraße 1, 51570 Windeck – Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 2292/9 28 28 - 0, Fax: +49 (0) 2292/9 28 28 - 29, E-mail: [email protected]