Budmaster II LED Lamp Installation Guide
Product Warnings
Light Hazard Warning, never look
directly or in-directly into the
lamp without protective eyewear.
Do not consume alcohol or drugs of any kind while installing this lamp.
Verify input voltage is as indicated on the label at the back of the lamp, before installation.
Install hanging kit as described in this document.
Remove any plants from the hanging area before installing the lamp.
Only secure your lamp via the hanging kit supplied.
Ensure your hanging area is moisture free.
Ensure your lamp is hanging evenly to avoid eye damage.
Powering Up Your Lamp
Do not attempt to power up your lamp without consultation if:
You see significant shipping damage.
You see water ingress through the packaging.
All Budmaster lamps use a standard IEC power receptacle and will come with a corresponding 1.8m long
power cord for your region.
The switches on your lamp are to power up the lamp in two separate halfs so you can choose to use less
power for your vegatative stage. Both switches in the 1 position put the lamp to full power.