6 Operation
K-375 / K-376 / K-377
Operation Manual, Version E
6 8 3
Reference Substances
If a reference substance and its theoretical value is defined, it is possible to automatically calculate
the recovery rate. Limits for this recovery (lower and upper limit) can also be defined in a way that the
system rejects results if they are outside of these limits.
Recommended reference substances are ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, glycine, acetani-
lide, and tryptophan. For information on reference substances, see table in chapter 4.8 Reference
In the following the steps necessary for defining reference substances are described.
Create a new reference substance with a unique
name, or delete or rename an existing one.
Reference substances marked with a small padlock
are predefined and cannot be deleted or changed!
For each reference substance, a theoretical value,
related to the nitrogen content can be specified.
The unit of this value can be defined freely.
Additional units can be defined under Settings
Units of results (See chapter „6.9.1 Settings“) and
afterwards selected from within the Reference
Substances dialog.