Error messages
P r i n t e r E r r o r 7 9
These error messages may
Remove the jammed paper in the printer. Otherwise call the Helpdesk.
P r i n t e r E r r o r 8 1
appear if there is a
P r i n t e r E r r o r 9 1
paper jam or if there is a
P r i n t e r E r r o r 9 2
problem with the cartridge
P r i n t e r E r r o r 9 3
S c a n M o t o r E r r o r
There may a problem
Unplug your BT MultiJet 3000 from the mains power. Make sure the
with the scanner.
scanner has been unlocked and re-connect the power.
P r o g r a m S c a n To s
The Scan macros have
Open Unimessage Pro and set the scan macros.
not been set on the PC.
M e m o r y F u l l
Current job(s) is using
Wait until some of the pages have completed printing before copying
up the memory.
more pages.
P C N o t Av a i l a b l e
You have initiated a task
Make Sure:
that requires assistance
• Your PC is on and is not in suspend mode.• The USB cable is
from the PC, but the PC
connected to both the MultiJet 3000 and your computer.
was not available.
Powe r D ow n E r r o r
The printer has
Disconnect the mains power from the BT MultiJet 3000, then:
some problems.
* Open the front cover to check for paper jams or other obstructions.
* Make sure the ink cartridges are correctly installed and
locked into place.
* Check the scanner is unlocked.
* Connect the power after finishing checking the above procedures.