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BT Total Broadband

BT I-Plate

Set-up guide

Common questions

How does I-Plate work?

Extension wiring around your home can pick up interference, affecting 
your broadband service. The I-Plate filters out this interference to help 
improve your connection speed* – giving you a faster, more reliable 
broadband service.

Will I notice a faster internet connection after I fit my I-Plate?

This depends on how much interference you had on your broadband 
line. Some small improvements may not be noticeable in day-to-day 
internet use. For more information on broadband speed, please go to

How can I check my broadband speed?

Go to our online tester at

. This tester will 

show you your connection speed* (i.e. DSL connection rate) and 
throughput* (i.e. IP throughput). Make a note of these readings.  
After fitting your I-Plate, you may need to allow up to 48 hours for 
any broadband speed improvements to show. Please note: you can  
run this tester only once every three hours. 

Do I still need ADSL filters after I’ve fitted my I-Plate?

Yes, you still need ADSL filters connected to every phone socket that 
you use in your home, including those used by phones, faxes and 
digital TV boxes such as SKY



My broadband router is connected to an extension socket.  
Do I need to move it to the main socket fitted with my I-Plate?

No, you can leave your broadband router connected to the  
extension socket.

Will my I-Plate interrupt my telephone service?

Your telephone and broadband services will stop working while  
you fit your I-Plate. These will automatically start working again  
once it’s fitted.

I’ve fitted my I-Plate and my phone service isn’t working. 
What can I do?

Check that your phone is plugged into your phone socket. 

Try removing the I-Plate and refitting the lower half of the socket.  
This may show you if the I-Plate is causing the problem.  

Try removing the lower half of the socket and plugging your phone 
directly into the test socket (this is on the right hand side, behind the 
faceplate). If the line isn’t working to the test socket, there may be a 
problem with your line. Call your telephone service provider to report 
a fault. If your provider’s BT, call us on 0800 800 151.

I’ve fitted my I-Plate and my broadband service isn’t working.  
What can I do?

Try turning off your broadband router and computer then turn them on 
again, wait for the router to connect to broadband and check it again.

For more help and support, should you need it, please go to

 or call us on 0800 111 4567.

* A note about your broadband speed 

There are two measures of broadband speed: the 

connection speed

 and the 

throughput speed

. The connection speed is how fast your modem or router 

connects to the local telephone exchange, and is the maximum speed your line 

can support. The throughput speed is how fast the internet works over this 

connection. The throughput speed can vary and depends on several factors, 

such as how busy the internet is, the time of day, and how many devices you 

have connected to your broadband connection.

Job No. 





BT I-Plate Set-up Guide






