BSA B40 VICTOR W D 1967 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание B40 VICTOR W D 1967

Страница 1: ...RKSHOP MANUAL FOR MODEL 8 40 VICTOR W D Service Department B S A MOTOR CYCLES LTD Publication Reference No 00 4 l 33 21 67 Telephone VlCtoria 2381 ARMOURY ROAD I I ENGLAN D BIRMINGHAM www bsaunitsingles com ...

Страница 2: ...ffitii r r ll r i l l ir i i i i j v t F 3 F l ti 1 ifi j i Page www bsaunitsingles com ...

Страница 3: ...l i r j t l l riii iri i i lr l iili i i r tlt t lii1rii i ii iii i il i ii i r 1 t F LJ F a w 6 J J 1 l i1 r ll 1 lif ir www bsaunitsingles com ...

Страница 4: of the constant development of B s A motor cycles ciranges in the specilicuticllls are incvititble Should the manual be found to be at variance with tlre B S A machine in question it is atlvised thr that the Service Department be contactedo rvhere up to date infornration ivill be quickly prr videcl ET GINE AND FRAME NUMBERS Both the engine and frarne numbers together rvith prcfix ancl suffix le...

Страница 5: ...LECTRICAL EQUIPMHNT R EAR DAMPER S SPARK PLUG SPEEDOMETER Varly Dry Accumulasors Limited By Fass Road B 4RKING Essex Amal Lirnited Holdf ord Road Witton BIRMINCHAM 6 Renold Chains Limited Wythenshawe MANCHESTER Ioseph Lucas Limited Ct Flanrpton Street and BIRMINGHAM I8 Cirling Limited Birrningham li oaef WEST BROMWIChI Staffs Wipac Group Sales Ltd London Road BUCKINGHAM Champion Sparking Flug Comp...

Страница 6: ...theeventofclifliculty Thecorrectacldressol the erviceDepartmentisasfolloivs B S A MOTOIT CYCI ES I Ih4ITED SE RV ICE DEI A RTN EI IT AR I 4O JRY ROAD BIRMINC IAM II ldephone No VlCtoria 2381 m a cornmuniea ions ttre nionle memt he quoteel with full engine ansl frarete numbers together with all prefix or su fix letfers Fage 6 www bsaunitsingles com ...

Страница 7: ... neces ary FITTING TT E SAFETY B A RS Detach the safety bars tiom the packing case rear support which will have been remr rved during case clisrnantling Flace the front safety bar in position against the frame down tube and attach loosely 1o the loiver holes in the steering head plates using one bolt spacer between the plates and nut Take out the front engine mounting bolt which also secures the e...

Страница 8: ...reck th rt the liners arecorrertly positioned within thcelips A djust the position of thescreen so that it is central and upright then tighten all for rr clip bolts evenly FETTiI S TFtE R AAR VlF W I RR0R Relense the lorver clip bolt in the same manilei s detailed flor the windscr en clips Position the mirror on the right hand half of the handlebar next to tlre h rake lever replaee the clip bolt a...

Страница 9: ...he engine is running fake oflf itre o l tank liller cap and clreck that the oi is circulating correctly through the rctilrn pipe After replacing the rller cap the machine will be c mplete and ready for use The individual rider rnay find it necessar v to ad just the ferolbralce handlebar corrtrols etc fo suit his requirenrents Details of these adjustrnents and full instructions on riciing the rnach...

Страница 10: ...FRCINT L ORKS ryF EELS ERAKES AND TYRES ELHCTR ICAI EQUIPIVIENT T0nguE wRENC t SETTIITGS MACI iINE TOOL KIT CHECK LTST SER VICE TOOLS COhIVER SION TABLES Sc ltloll GD A B Ptges It 8 I to l3 Iro35 ItoS Ito12 ItoB tol6 tol6 C D E EJ J K L I I Ir08 Ito9 Fage 0 www bsaunitsingles com ...

Страница 11: ...CansuRrrren CylrrqnnR Bannel Cylrrunnn Hrau lcnrnoru TlrurNc Camsunrr Orr Puup Plsrou PrsroN Rrncs panr Pluc Tepprr Clsnneucr Vnlvrs VelvE Vnlve Velvr Curnrs Spnrrucs Trwrrnc TRANSMISSION Cunrw Slzrs Clurcs Grnn Rnrros SrRocxrrs FRAME AND FITTINGS FRorur Fonr Fnonr Fonr Busuas Rrnn Dalaprns Si txctt c ARrt WI EELS BRAKES AND TYRES Bnlxes Tvnrs Wnrrm Wueel Brenlncs ELECTRICAL EQUIPMEIIT CAPACITIES ...

Страница 12: ...Drive ratio Non return valve spring free length 5 12 7 nnm Non return valve spring ball diameter 25 6 35 rnm Oilpressure relief valve spring free length 6094 15 4781 mm i Gil pressune relief valve ball diameter 3125 7 9375 mnr CAI SF AFT Journal cliameter left hand 5598 5603 14 189 14 2316 mnn Journal diameter right hanct 7480 7485 18 9992 19 0119 mm CanT lift inlet and exhaust 26rc 6 6294 mm Basi...

Страница 13: ...lor checkin s purposes on y lnlet opens B T D C Inlet closes A B D C Exhaust opens B B D C Exhaust closes A T D C TAPPET CLEARANCA Cokl lnlet Exhaust IGNTTTON TIMTNG Piston position B T D C fillly advaneed Crankshaft position B T D C tully advanced Contact breaken gap setting 90 470 1 475 1 407 t 4t2 3095 3 t00 3090 3095 1 625 2 03 125 r 30 I 37 26 70 6l 5 34 5 37 338 37 465 nnm 35 737 35 864 mrn ...

Страница 14: ...aft bearing drive side Crankshaft bearing gear side Crankshaft diameter drive side gear side Cearbox layshaft bearings drive side and gear side Cearbox layshaft diameter drive side and gear side Cearbox nnainshaf t bearing drive side Gearbox rnainslraft bearing gear side Gearbdx mainshaft diameter dnive side Gearbox mainshaft diarneter gear side Cearbox sleeve pinion internal diameter Gearbox slee...

Страница 15: ...hird seeond first SPROCKETS Engine Clutch Cearbox Rear wheel CHAIN SIZES Primary 4 5 t67 4 1 65695 9 0 I 875 t 0 r 57 2 36 3 05 5 94 9 33 14 a2 t8 t2 14 242 r m l 42 0687 rnm 228 6 mnr 4 7025 mm 23 teeth 52 teeth l9 teeth 50 teeth Duplex 375 70 pltches 5 il8 pitches Transmission FRONT FORKS Type FRAME AND FITTINGS Springs free length spring rate number of coils colour identification Coil spring hy...

Страница 16: ...ront Rirn size and type rear Spoke sizes front long 20 l ront short 20 rear long 20 rear short 20 Bonded rubber 250 1 253 t 247 l 24 1 4750 l 4755 1 473 1 474 I 250 1 251 1 2485 i 2495 0005 002 003 tt I t 1 248 1 249 1 475 1 477 6t65 6185 339 340 53t25 BRAKES ND T YR TS VM2 i8 wM3 t8 31 75 31 8262 mm 31 6i3 31 699 mm 0508 1524 mm 20 570 20 595 mm 37 465 37 477 mrn 37 414 31 439 mnt 31 750 31 755 m...

Страница 17: ...45 22 t99 22 2t2 mm 8745 8750 2Z Z Z ZZ Z25 mnr 85 686 17 399 l 7 424 mm l Front diameter Front width Rear diameter Rear width Lining thiekness front and rear Lining area sq in sq crn front and near 7 I t25 7 t t 5 15625 1s 48 99 84 3 25 x 18 3 50 x 18 3 5 galls 15 91I litres 5 pints 2 841 litres 0 5 pint 284 litres 75 pint 1 426 litre 177 8 mnn 28 575 mm 177 8 mm 28 575 mm 3 9687 rnm 82 55 x 457 ...

Страница 18: ...D Wheelbase Overall length l landlebar width Seat height Cround clearance WNTGHTS Machine unladen BASIC NTMENSIONS 53 82 27 s 32 7 350 lbs 134 62 crn 208 28 cm 69 85 cm 81 28 cnr 17 78 cm t 158 75 kg l www bsaunitsingles com ...


Страница 20: ...y Cuntxcnsr Gnrass Crrurnal Srarun 2 On Bure Crm Srruplrs Gnanss Sprnoonrrrrn DRlvn Ururr Exnutnr AND F NEcEssARy RENEw Olr Fllr en Cenrntncr EVERV 5 OO MILES DnarN eNn RErnt GraRsox Dnnlru nxn REnLI FnrNuty CualrucesE LugRrcnre Coxrlcr BnEnreR Cnv LusRrcnrr Auro npvnnce MEcnnrursm EV RY 10 0CIs MILa Dnalr l nNo R llL FnoNl Fonxs Gnrnsr WHeEI BennrNcs GREnss Srsrnrruc Hrnn BsAnrNcs 1 4 Flc A l Kt ...

Страница 21: ...NTRIES NATO CODE sAE 40 50 SAE 20w140 SAE r0wi30 MobilAF Mobil A Mobil Arctic Mohil 4rctic Eruone Above 32 C 0 to 32 C SAE 40 SAE 30 sAE 20W 90 E P I 90 E P SAE 40 S qE 20w 40 SAE r0w30 Multi purpose H SAE 50 SAE 30 sAE 20W Grand Prix XL Castrolite Cast rolease t M x100 40 xt00 30 x100 50 xi00 10 xr00 Retinax A t l Gmnnox PRrrultv Cunrruclsr F our Fosrc Above 32 C 15 c t0 32 C Below 15 C Wsem Bsnn...

Страница 22: ...A4 LUBRICATION B4O AWD I e B Ftc A 2 Engine lubrkatian rliagram shou ing rhe ball vel r e s www bsaunitsingles com ...

Страница 23: ... iri clean petrol and allow to dry before inspecting it trf the cartridge no longer appears serviceable discard it and fit a new one as it is most Ftc A 3 Tlrc e rternnl oil ftlter From here the lt rwer and larger set of pump gears drarvs oil fronr the gauze sump filter thror rgh another non return valve c and pumps it back to the tank at a greater rate than that of the ieed side This ensures that...

Страница 24: ...e shield Again using a suitable receptaele to catch the oil unscrew the f our nuts holding the surnp filter to tlie erankcase take off the shakeproof washers and rentove the 1 rlter Also disconnect ihe supply arrd scavellge pipes at the crankcase union one nut Allow tlre oil to clrain wash the filter tliorouglily in petrol and clean off the old jointing materia from the filter and crankcase trf th...

Страница 25: ...s OII PRESSURE AND NON RETURN VAT VES r constant oil pressure is nraintained by ihe release valve situated on the fiont right hand side o the crankcase see Fig A g the plug of whiclr is painted red To prevent the oil pressure becoming exces sive the r alve open and releases the excess oil direct into the crankcase lrom wherr it is returned to the tank The valve is pre set at the rvorks and there s...

Страница 26: ...pump or one which is loose on its mountins lndiciltions of syphoning are clouds rif smoke Ir orn the erhaust rvhen the engine is first started after standing overnight Flc A 9 Ncn relurn vslte The feed line llon return valve eonsists of a ball and spring and is located in the inner tirning cover see FiC A 9 After unscrewing the re taining plu_e tl re valve spring and ball can be remcved fcrn exarn...

Страница 27: ...orking CONTACT BREAKER The contact breaker is situated on the outer timing cover and it is essential that no engine oil gets into the contact breaker housing To prevent this there is an oil seal pressed into the inner tinting cover bchind the auto advance unit Lubrication ol the contact breaker cam and the auto advance unit pivot points however is necessary The contact breaker cam is lubricated fr...

Страница 28: are quoteel on page A 3 capacities on page GD 7 and checking frequency on Page A 2 PRIMARY DRIVE Like the gearbox tlre primary chaincase having its own oilbath is independant of the engine but the level of oil must be checked periodically and the oil drained and replaced as indicated in the routine maintainance sheet page A 2 The oilbath in the prinnary shaincase does not lubrieate the chain on...

Страница 29: ...and allow to drain then immerse it in melted tailow to which powdered graphite has been added Hang the chain over the grease tin to allow the surplus grease to drain off If the tin is covered after use it can be used many times but always use care rvhen melting the tallow When replacing the chain make sure that the spring clip of the connecting link has irs ctosed end pointing in the direction of ...

Страница 30: ...mended grades ol oil E nsure that the rubber sealing washen and special retainer are correctiy fitted below the damper rod locknut before replacing the cap nuts WHEEL FEARTNGS The wheel bearings arc packed with grease on assemLrly and only require repacking at the intervals given on Page A 2 re bearings should be nemerved as quoted on pages F 4 F 5 and F 6 After rennoval the bear ings rnust be was...

Страница 31: ...of the innen wire Care is also necessary to avoid over zealous greasing which nray result in the lubricant entering the instrument head For lubricating it is only necessary to unscrew the cable nut at the speedometer drive urrit and rvithdraw the inner wire The grease should be applied sparingly to the wire and the top six inches must not be greased Frc A 15 www bsaunitsingles com ...

Страница 32: ... RrNcs Suur Eun Busu Rpessruulv arrmn DecnRBoNtsrNc CgncrlNc V a rvg ClrannNcss REMOVTNG THE EI GTNE UNIT TRAI SI 4ISSION DrscntpnoN REr lovtxc FRlrr rnny Dnrvr Covnn Crurcs DrsuaurLmc GSHERRToR Remover IttspEctnc rnu Cr urcn Cusu Dnrve Crurcn CHeNwHEsr GeARnox on Frxm Dnrvs pnocxrr Clutcu Opgnlrror r Page 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 5 8 5 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 7 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 9 ts t0 B l I ts 13 B l3 8 13 ...

Страница 33: ...SMANTLIT G GraRcnnNcs M ncuemrsrr r Ptrge B t7 B t8 B r 8 Grnn ClusrEn B r9 8 20 8 20 8 20 8 20 B 2t 8 22 8 22 8 23 8 24 B 3t B 3r 8 32 Gmnsox BuanrNcs GEARBOX REASSEMBLY SEQUENCE OF GEARCI IANGII G SPLTTTING THE CRANKCASE HALVES BIG EhID AND F LYWHEE ASSEMBLY REASSEMBLINC THE IGI IITION TtrMING P roN Posrrron CR ANKCASE SsrlrNc rnE Cowracr SErrrnc rHE lcNrrroN Bulrrn Cepr 8 32 8 33 8 33 8 34 Tltv...

Страница 34: ...B4O AWD ENGINE Frc Bl Engine e uploded www bsaunitsingles com ...

Страница 35: ... engine lubricafion systenr and each contain their own oilbath Pou er lronr the engine is trelnsmitted through the engine spnocket and duplex primary chain to tlie clutch asiembly which has a built in cush rjrive Here the drive is taken up by the bonclecl i rietion plates and is transmitted thror rgh the fbur speed constarlt ffiesh gearbox to the linirl drive sprocket DECARBO t I5ING Decarbonising...

Страница 36: ... of the way If necessary the control cable can be detached as detailed on page D l l The oil feed pipe to the rocker spindles should now be rennoved and the sparking plug taken out Removing the Cylinder llead Set the piston at top dead centre on the corn pression stroke both valves closed and take off the six nuts holding the cylinder head to the barrel Leave the rocker box assernbly in position o...

Страница 37: ...urnt tlian a nerv valve rnust be frtted end ground in The vali e seats in the eylinder head are unlikel v to require an3r 411sil1fur but if they are marked iheir should be ref aced with valve seat cutter tool No 6i 3300 used with pilot No 6l J293 and holCer No 6l 3290 The seat angle is 45 degrees Sr metimes when the engine has been decar_ bonised nrany times valves becorne pocketed This is when th...

Страница 38: ... on the vaive stem Cylimder Barrel Unless the condition of the engine indicates thar the piston piston rings or c yNinder bore require attention the cylinder barnei should not be disturbed lf the bore is worn it can sometimes be detectcd by placing the fingers on top of the piston and attennpting to push the piston hackwards and forrards in the direcfion of flywheel rotation Symptonrs indicating f...

Страница 39: ...n the notc lr provided Before the gudgeon pin eari be withdrawn the pistern nrust be thoroughly warmed by wrapping it in a rag that has been soakeel in hot watcr and wrL ng out Alternatively an electrie ir n can be applied to the piston cro t it until enough heat is obtained lhen the pistrxl is warm tap out fhe gudgeon pin with a sr itable drift supporting the piston to avoid any side tra n on the...

Страница 40: be changed in one operation by pushing the old bush out and at the same time pressing the new one in with service tool No 6l 3653 The new bush must be correctly aligned rvith the oil hole and rearned to 7503 7SOi in after pressing into the connecting rod Reassernbly after Decarbonising Scrupulous cleanliness must be observed when reassembling and each component should be smeared with fresh oi b...

Страница 41: their proper positions and tighten the rocker box fixing nuts Replace tlre inspection fover with its sealing washer h l_flT EXFIALIST ROEKER ROEKER SUT R Flc 8 8 Fit the carburetter retrrlacing the s pacers in their correet sequenee the alloy packing piece being nearest to the cylinder head the treat nesistant gasket next to the earburetter with paper gaskets between each itern Loeate the rubbe...

Страница 42: ...ition retighten the locknut Check the clearance again to make sure that the setting has not altered whilst tightening the Iocknut CYLINOER HEAD NUTS R H StDE I L H stDE Flc 8 9 Che ing vnlt e t leuranrcs REMOVING TTIE ENGINE UNIT During the process of removing the engine unit keep careful watch for any nuts or bolts rvhiclr are found to be loose or have worn considerably Such parts are no longer s...

Страница 43: ...ining elips Aften unscrewing the fixing nuts the carburetter can be withdrarvn frorn the studs and tied back out of the way Remove the engine steady tie ban and bracket conrplete with exhaust valve liflter assemi ly which can remain attached to its cable after firsf releasing from the operating lever Disconnect the oil pipe union nuts at the elbow joints on the external oil filter Rennove the two ...

Страница 44: ... a work bench Removlng Primary Drive Cover Before the cover can be removed the footrest must be taken off This is secured to its taper shaft by cne nut Drain the oil as described on page A l0 and take out the fixing screws fronn around the outer edge of the cover Note the positions of the sleeve nultsn one of which screws on to the rear chain oiler screw The screws are of different lengths and a c...

Страница 45: ...ieel chain and engine sprocket to be withdrawn together trmspeeting he Clutch Tlie four driving plate have segmeilts of special friction rnaterial wl rich ane securely bondeel in the metal T hese segrnents shoul C atrl be com ptrete unbrcken antj not displaced Even if there is no apparent weer or damage to the plates or segments the overall tlrickness of each segment shculd be measured and if the ...

Страница 46: ...lar plate and the sprocket fixing nut prsventing the entry of grit which rnay damage the small oil seal lf the washer no longer appears serviceable replace it If it is necessary to change or renew the gear box sprocket first place a length of chain rcr rd the sprocket and lock in a vice with e r jtable bolt then flatten the tab washer and unscrew the large nut The sprocket can now be pulled off th...

Страница 47: ...may be lound difficirlt if left to a later sf age The engine shaft Cistar ce piece should not irav s bs n disturbed but if it was removed f or any reasoil it nrust nol be refitted with the ehamfercd side outwards See that the Woodruff keys are fitted to both n ainslrafts and ttrat they are a good fit in the keyrvays Piaee the prirnary cl rain around both the engine und cluteh sproekets pul ing the...

Страница 48: ...hat the air gap between the rotor and the stator pole pieces is equal all round The gap can be checked with a 008 in feeler gauge and any variation should be corrected 4djust the primary chain tensioner to give approximately f s in free play on the top run ofthe chain between the sprockets Finally tighten the stator fixing nuts Flaving completed the assembly of the primary drive the primary cover ...

Страница 49: ...barre nut inside the C shaped spring and take off the nut securing flre spring and lead tc the c ndenser l he niuvablc eontnct can now be lifted of follorved hy the fibre vasher and fixed cr ntact The contficts mubt be free trom grease or oil lf thcy are blackenecl or burnt eiean with a fine carborundum stone or very fine emery cloth Wipe arvay ariy traces of dirt or metal dust with a clean rag rn...

Страница 50: ...ckstart quadrant or spring unless they require ettention To release free the spring frorn the kickstart spindle and rvithdrarv tlre quadrant cornplete with layshaft needle bearing When fitting a new spring first locate tlre hooked end of the spring in the quadrant slot then wind up the spring in a clockrvise direction and slip the eye of the spring on to its stud The quadrant bush is a push fit in...

Страница 51: ...g the Oil purnp Ensure that the joint faees are clean apply a srnear of grease to a new gasket and place the gasket in position on the crankcase face Locate the pump over the studs replace the fixing nuts and tighten evenly to a torque wrench settiilg of 7 lb ft to avoid distortion Tinring Gears Careful exarnination ol the timing gears will show that thene are marks on the faces of the gears adjac...

Страница 52: ...inning covers as detailed on page 8 tr9 Press in the cam plate plungers with a suitable flat bladed instrument and withdraw the gear change quadrant complete with spring The spring loaded plungers are retained by a snnall plate secured with one screw PWH6ER CAM P ATE RETURN SPRING Flc F 23 Gearchange mechanism The gearehange return spring pivot bolt need not be disturbed Take out the large split p...

Страница 53: ...w gear and third gear The smaller gear is a press fit on to the shaft so retaining the larger gear which has a spacer between it and the end of the splines Ifit is necessary to change either ofthesQ gears the shaft must be pressed out of both gears at the sanne time an operation which requires a good press properly mounted on a workbench Flc 8 25 Kitkstart ratchet The layshaft second gear is held ...

Страница 54: ...ace the cam plate correct way round in the cover slot see Fig 8 26 for guidance insert the pivot pin and secure with the split pin Insed the mainshaft fitted with its low gear and third gear into the cover bearing replace the kickstart ratchet assembly and secttre with the fixing nut It will be necessary to hold the mainshaft in a vice using soft nretal clamps to tighten the nut fullY F rc 8 26 MA...

Страница 55: sive movemen between the gears and the ends of tlie splines rnust be corrected by fitting the appropriate pacers See ig 8 27 for position ofeach spacer the thicknesses and part nurnlrers of rvhich are as f ollows A CI93 094 in 40 3020 098 099 in 40 3 t26 I03 104 in 40 3 127 E S7CI 071 in 40 3119 075 076 in 40 3019 CI80 08I in 40 3I20 C Standand shirn 4CI 3258 Befr re proceeding with assembly ch...

Страница 56: ...t selector fork moving the layshaft sliding gear in the opposite direction to rnesh with the second gear Reference to Fig B 3l wiilshow both quadrant plungers in the cam plate windows ready to move the gears from second to first or neutral or back again When the cam plate is moved to third gear position as will be seen by reference to Fig 8 32 the action moves both selector forks drawing the laysh...

Страница 57: ...826 ffiil ffiilN H s40 AWm SMLf CTOR ANM CAMPLATN fiN NHUTRAT POS IT N N EUTRAL POSITION www bsaunitsingles com ...

Страница 58: ...B4O AWD FNGINE 827 SELECTOR AND EAK PLATH IN FIRST GEAR POSITION IlT GEAR K Flc 8 30 www bsaunitsingles com ...

Страница 59: ...m 8 HNGNNH B4O AWD SHffiCTCIR AND CAfu PLATg N SHCOND GNAR POSITIOru 6w F Frc 8 31 2W GH AR www bsaunitsingles com ...

Страница 60: ...B4O AWD ENGINE 829 SE LECTOR AND CAMPLATE IN THIRD GEAR PCISITION 389 GEAR Frc 8 32 www bsaunitsingles com ...

Страница 61: ...e30 ENGINE B4O AWD SELECTOR AND q M arE NI UNIH GEAR POEITBON u t1 www bsaunitsingles com ...

Страница 62: ... flywheels are a press fit on to the tapered ends of the crankpin and no attempt should be made to part them unless the services of an expert mechanic and a fully equipped workshop are available Should the big end assembly require replace ment it is advisable to obtain a works recondi tioned unit through your dealer If however it has been decided to renew the big end assembly the flywheels must be...

Страница 63: ...Check that the ffyvrlieel assembly rotates quite freely lf it doeu not then the alignment may be incorrect and the cause ofthe trouble rnust be rectilled Fit the engine shaft sprocket distance piece and the oil pumrp lvonn drive thrust wasller each with its chamfered face outu ards The sproeket distance piece is available in three thicknesses to provide accurate alignment of the prin lary chain in...

Страница 64: ... backwardr about 45 then bring it forward slowly to the desired reading of 33 2 on the plate Alternatively a dial indicator can be used to mertsure the piston movement It must be nnounted on to the cylinder head with its long rod projecting through the sparking plug hole At piston top dead centre position the dial should read zero The engine must then be rotated until the piston position is at 280...

Страница 65: ...ate the cann in an anti clockwise direction until the bob weights are fully expanded hold in position and tighten the bolt Care rnust be taken during this operation to avoid releasing the whole mechanism frorn its location Setting the Ignition Timing Having locked the contact breaker cam in the fully advanced position and with the piston at 331 2 or 280 in before top dead centre the ignition timin...

Страница 66: ... tighten the pillar bolts and recheck the setting There should be no change in the fully open gap setting Do not forget to rernove the large asher fitted temporarily behind the eontact breaker fixing bolt otherwise the auto advance rnech anism will be inoperative The importance of accurate ignition tirning cannot be over emphasized Care and patience rnust be taken to ensure that the final setting ...



Страница 69: ...t in position on the adaptor LJnscrew the two fixing nuts and withdraw tlre carburetter from its nnounting studs it will not be necessary to detach the cable from the twist grip Take put the two Fhillips head fixing screws and remove the carburetter top cover complete with throttle valve assernbly Conrpress the throttle sprlng and rernove the nee ille clip to release the needle Whilst still compre...

Страница 70: ...ting block for any possible danrage to the mesh If the filter has parted from its supporting structure it will allow the petrol gasolene to pass through unfiltered F INT S AND TIPS Throttle Cable See that there is a minimurn of backlaslr when the twist grip is turned back and that any move nrent ofthe handlebar does not cause the throttle to open Use the adjuster on the cable to obtain the correct...

Страница 71: ...he fault lies in the carburetter alone Air Filters lf a carburetter is first set with an air filter and the engine is then run without the jet setting may be affected and care must be taken to avoid over heating the engine due to too weak a mixture Testing with the air supply will indicate if a larger main jet and higher needle position are requirect Effect of Altitude on a Carburetter lncreased a...

Страница 72: ... is indicated but if the engine runs wor e then the mixture is too rich To rernedy proceed as follows To Cure Richness Fosition l Fit smaller main jet Position 2 Screwoutpilotairadjustingscrew Position 3 Fit a throttle with a larger cut away see paragraph E page C 7 Position 4 Lower needle one or two grooves see paragraph D page C 7 To Cure Weakness Fosition I Fit larger main jet Position 2 Screw ...

Страница 73: ...t be removed two screws The main jet can now be unscrewed tiorn its holder in the mixing chamber base D F eedle and Needle let The needle is attached to the throttle valve and being taper either allows more or less petrol to pass through the needle iet as the throttle is opened or closed throughout the range except when idling or nearly full throttle The taper needle position in relation to the th...

Страница 74: ...e shut dorvn on to the throttle adjusting screw and ignition set for best slow running l Screrv out throttle adjusting screrv until tlte engine runs slower and begins to talter then screw pilot air adjusting screw in c r out to make engine run regularly and faster 2 Norv gently loler the throttle adjust ing screw until the engine runs slower and just begins to falter adjust the pilot air adjusting...

Страница 75: ... Auclrn tENr Page D 2 D 3 D 5 D 5 SADDLE PROP STAND D 6 D 7 D 7 D 8 D 8 D 8 D 9 D 9 D 9 D r0 D r0 D il D t2 D t2 D t2 CENTR E STAND REAR SRAKE PEDAL REAR MUDCUARD CltrrcH CnsLE CARBURETTER AIR FILTER OIL TANK REMOVAL HEADLAMP REMOVAL FnoNr Bnere Cent s CONTROL CABLE REPLACEMENT TuRorrtr C l st g ENulusr Velve l rrmR Cenln www bsaunitsingles com ...

Страница 76: ...D2 FRAME ANE FITTINGS B4O AWD Frc D l www bsaunitsingles com ...

Страница 77: ...n l8 in steel rule will also be required The rnandrels mr rst be straight and round otherwise measurernents will be affected Figure D 3 shows the basic set up for checking the frame though variations can of course be used according to the facilities avail able Place the blocks into the steering head insert the rnandrel and support with the V blocks at one end of the table Check the rnandrel at eac...

Страница 78: ...D4 FRAMF AF D FITTINGS B4O AWD t s I be qi h ro n t www bsaunitsingles com ...

Страница 79: the two halves of the rear section Tliese are secured to the swinging srm brackets by lour bolts Note that the lower rear fixing bolt also secures the brake torque arm To release the front sectiorr first take out the prinnary chaincase oil level screw painted red with nut then withdraw the lower half of tlre case from around the sprocket The top half is held by one of the primary cover fixing s...

Страница 80: ...ot lubricate the plunger rod or bushes The darnpers have three load positions liglrt medium and heavy see Fig D 6 and they must be set in the light load position before dis mantling A rC spanner for this adjustrnent is provided in the toolkit LIGHT hdEDIUM HE AVY Ftc D 6 Cum fing positions SWINGING ARM Removal Take off the rear wheel chaincase dampers and r ear brake pedal as described on pages F ...

Страница 81: ...ivot on the f ranre see page D 3 set the srvinging arm in V trlocks as shown in Fig D 7 Another mandrel 9 in long r s in diameter should be inserted through the iork ends Both mandrels should be parallel to the surface table Should there be iess than t a in malalignrnent of the swinging arm fork it is per_ missible to correct it by rneans of a suitable lever but care must be raken to avoicl causin...

Страница 82: ...STAND The prop stand is secured to the frarne lug with one bolt and lockwasher Bend back the tabs of the lockwasher and unscrew the bolt The return spring will be released as the stand is drawn off the frame lug CENTRE STAND The centre stand is held in position with a plain steel bar drilled at both ends for split pins centre distance piece two spring washers and two plain rvashers To remove the s...

Страница 83: ... Release the rectifier and carefully tie it up out of the way to avoid any damage Disconnect both the lirown and brown green cables from their snap connectors below the number plate bracket and pull the cables through the mudguard grommet The mudguard is held by six nuts and bolts witlr plain rvashers there being tlvo at the lower front below the battery carrier two at the saddle rear lixing brack...

Страница 84: ...a single rubber mounted bolt see Fig D ll Three rubber buffers support the tank at the front one at the top and fwo at the base Before attempting to remove the oil tank it will be necessary to lower the rear mudguard on to the wheel to pnovide sufficient clearance for the withdrawal of the tank Ftc D l I Oil tank mounting First pull out the tank rubber buffers and remeve the two fixing bolts with ...

Страница 85: ...rough the lower half and locating the lipple in irs slot Replace the top half of the rip but before tightening the screws check thaithe grip turns freely Do not replace the catrle stop at this stage Frc D ll R emoving throttle cahle Froceed by removing tlLe petrol tank see page B l2 and detaching the cable from the frame clips Take out the two phillips head frxing screws nnd rvithdraw the carburet...

Страница 86: ...t thc other end of the cable fronr the clutch actuating lever Replace the cable in the reverse rnanlrer ancl adjust as necessary to give correct operation Nore After adjustment the colitnol lever on the timing cover should take up a position approximately parallel with the tinring cover joint face when operated Exhaust Valve l ifter Cable Undo the handlebar control lever pivot bolt and nut Pull th...


Страница 88: ...but great care must be taken not to over tighten or the ball bearings will become indented into the races making steering extremely difficult and dangenous l laving carried out the adjustrnent tighten the clamp nuts securely Recheck the adjustment REINEWING HEAD RACES The steering head can be dismantled without sfrinnino the fnrke hrrf errffinienf clontr mrrqf he rr D obtained in tlre headlamp cab...

Страница 89: ...ed tightly into the cup threads Drive out the cup with a suitable bar from inside the head tube as shown in Fig E Z Remove the tool by loosening the nut and repeat the procedure for the other cup When fitting replacement cups see that they enter their housings squarely Do not drive the cup in with a drift against the radius of the bal race as this will impose undue strain and is liable to fracture...

Страница 90: ...m grasp of the lower sliding member and strike the top of the service tool sharply with a mallet This nill release the leg from its taper fit in the top yoke allorvin_e the complete leg to be with drawlt Loosen the lower firing clip and renrove the rubber bellor vs Irlote that a fibre washer and steel washer are fitted to the flork leg directly below the bottoni yoke The fork outer sleeve is secur...

Страница 91: ... sealing washer and special retainer immediately belorv the damper rod top locknut need not be disturbed unless they require renewal CIffi Brc Frc E 6 OIL SEALS lf it is necessary to change an oil seal place the lower edge of the holder on a wooden block and insert Service Tool No 6l 3006 into the top ol the holder Give the tool a sharp blow with a lrammer and the seal will be driven out To fit a ...

Страница 92: ...ts in the bottom yoke before removing the tool Using Service Tool No 6l 3765 raise the damper rod to the top of the tube to enable the filler plug to be smewed on to the rod Ensure that the rubber sealing washer and special retainer are correctly fitted dinectly below the damper rod locknut Repeat the operations on the otlrer fork leg refill with the correct amount of oil rl pint to each leg and s...

Страница 93: ...e press is available to the repairer The damper rods and tubes should now be checked in a similar manner Having checked the tubes for straightness and reset as necessary the top and bottr m yokes can now be checked First assemble the tr vo tubes into the bottom yoke so that a straight edge across the lower ends is touching all four edges of ttre tubes then tighten the pinch bolts Now view thern fr...

Страница 94: tube anci the top tube bush The pressure of the oil increases as the gap narrows around the tapered darnper tube progressively slowing the fork spring actiou When the top tube begins to fill with oil which can no longer be compressed the oil passes through the bleed holes and into the area between the fork leg and top tube bushes Eventually the point of rnaximum compression is reached and is cu...

Страница 95: ... TYRES Rsuovet Rgpt ncErvtEur PRrssungs Page F 2 F 3 F_3 CHecrrNc Brantwcs FrrnNc Nnw Bennrncs REAR WHEEL Rrruovnu lno ReplncEMENT Hus SHsLr Brenrrucs Bnnre Dnuu nno BennrNc BRLrr Dnum R EpI AcEMENT F 3 F 4 F 4 F 5 trq F 6 BRAKE ADJI JSTMENTS F 7 F 7 F 8 F 8 F 9 F t0 F r0 F il F t2 F r3 F r6 REAR CHAIN ADJUSTh4F NT RENEWINC BRAKE LININCS www bsaunitsingles com ...

Страница 96: ...djuster completely and BRAKE STOP 0 disconnect the flront brake cable by unscrerving the nut and bolt holding the toggle to the brake plate lever Hnving released the cable toggle unscrew and rernove the cable adjuster r vith cable see Fig ls o CABLE FINGER LOCKNUT SLOTTED CLEVIS FRONT WHEEI Frc F la ADJUST ER SPINDLE HEAD _KN N N fiB fATOS BRAKE PLATE LEVER Frc F ls www bsaunitsingles com ...

Страница 97: ...he spindle in an anti clockwise direction until it is almost tight Locate the brake plate anchor peg in the recess on the inside of the right hand fork leg and tighten the wheel spindle fully Before locking the spindle with the pinch bolt depress the forks once or twice to enable the left hand fork end to position itself on the spindle It is most important that this precaution is observed otherwis...

Страница 98: ...d drive out the brake side bearing togerher with the bush r by gently tapping the spindle head with a hide nnallet lf a suitable nrallet is nof available protect the spindle head with a piece of hard wonrl hefnre cf iLi o By inserting the spindle and bush from the right hand side it will be possible to drive out the left hand bearing Both bearing are the same size and are therefore interchangeable...

Страница 99: ...on removal of the spindle and the wheel can then be pulled away from the brake drum and with draln from the machine The speedometer drive unit can now be pulled away from the huL It will not be necessary to disturb tlre wheel nut A on the lefi hantl side as this retnins the brake drum assenibly Replace in the reverse manner but do nor omit to refit the spindle outer collar Wheel lub Bearings The h...

Страница 100: ...fitted rvith the short end on the lsft hand side and also that the bearings are fitted with their oil seals outwards Rear Brake Drum and Bearing The brake drum is retained in the rear fork end by the spindle nut and the bolt securing the brake anclror strap link and chaincase bracket to the swinging arm lug To remove the drum first take off the chaincase rear section as detailed on page D 5 Discon...

Страница 101: ...nd screw on the spindle nut If the chain tension was correct there will be no need to makE any adjustment now Do not tighten the spindle nut until the wheel has been replaced so that the alignment can be made for the complete assembly see page F il See that the bolt securing the brake anchor strap and chaincase to the bracket on the swing ing arnn lug is tightened secuply BRAKE AD USTMENTS The bra...

Страница 102: ... slowly until the tightest point on the chain is fbund then check its up and down molement in the centre of the chain run This can be checked through the aperture in the upper half of the chaincase when the rubber plug is removed The total rnoverient should be l in and if it varies from this setting lhe chain nrust be adjusted by moving the rear wheel either for wards to increase slackness or back...

Страница 103: ...tly to the shoe If the linings are fitted incorrectly a gap will occur between the lining and the shoe resulting in efficient and spongy braking When the riveting is completed file a good chamfer at each end of the lining to approxi mately half its depth and lightly draw file the face of the lining to remove any fraze caused by the drilling W IEEL BI JII DING This is a job which is best left to th...

Страница 104: ...retimes surfficient to throw the rim badly out of truth SECURTTY BOLTS Sometirnes particularly if a tyre is under inflated it will creep around the rim taking the tube with it f this is not stopped it will ultimately pull rhe valve from the tube Therefore the wheel rims are fitted with security bolts one on tlre front wheel and twcl on the rean Before attempting to rernove or replace a tyre the se...

Страница 105: ... respect it is the rear wheel which must be aligned to the front wheel The adjustment will be nocessary whehever the chain is adjusted or the wheel removed lt is also nedessary to adiust the rear brake whenever re alignment has been carried out To check the alignment of the wheets a straight edge of tirnber or steet is required approximately 80 in long The straight edge should be laid on blocks fo...

Страница 106: ...2 Removal and replacement will be simpler if the beads are pressed right dorvn into the rvell of the rirn excepr at the point being worked The well is the centre section 3 The tyre beads will slip over the rim quicker and damage will be avoided if the beads and the levers are lubricatecl rvith oapy water Unscrew and remove the valve core to deflate the tyre t Frc F 17 Ftc F 18 llemaviug the first ...

Страница 107: ... rim and to appl v a soapy solution to the rim ftange TYRE REPL CEMNNT Before a tyre new or used is replaced it should be carefully checked inside and outside for loose objects or nails flints glass and cuts Do not forget that although there may be nothing visible outside there could be a nail projecting inside When repairing a tyre or tube be patient and see that the area of the repair is absolut...

Страница 108: frorn the valve outwards press the lower bead over the rim flange by hand moving along in short stretches and ensuring that the bead lies right down in the well of the rim this is most important see Fig F 22 If necessary use a tyre lever for the last few inches as in Fig F 23 Turn tlre wheel over and check that the bead is concentric with the rim befcre proceeding furt rer Reverse the wheel ag...

Страница 109: ...B4o AWD WHHELS BRAKES AND TYRES Ft5 Frc F 22 Fitting the Jirst head Conpleting the fitting o the first beatl Ftc F 24 Completing theJitting of the seconcl beael www bsaunitsingles com ...

Страница 110: ... to eat correctly on the rim See that the valve protrudes squarely through the valve hole before screwing down the knurled nut and replacing the dust cap Finally tighten down the nut s on the security bolt s TYRE PRESSURES The reconrmended inflation pressures of l7 p s i front tyre and l9 p s i rear tyre are based on a ridens weight of 140 lb If the riders weight exceeds 140 lb the tyre pressure s...

Страница 111: ...0 G t2 G t2 G l3 G l3 G r3 G 14 c 15 G r5 G l5 o r6 COII ICNITION SYSTEM Dnscntprtor t e n c o e Csrcrrnc tHs Low rsrusroN Clncurr Frulr FrNplHc tN THE Low rrnsror l Icrunron Corr Eon Coutrxulry Conrncr BRrnrcen Cgrcrrwc rttp Hrcs tENsroN Cmcurr SPARKING PLUG CI ARCING SYSTEM e n c o E ELECTRIC HORN DrscRrprroN Anrusln trr lt HEADLAMP DEscnrprrohr Beem AnrusrMENr TAIL AND STOP LAMP I JI IT OTHER L...

Страница 112: ...ted circumferentially to aluminium side plates the assembly being cast in aluminiurn and machined to give a smooth external finish There are no rotating windings cornmutator brushgear bearings or oil seals and consequently the alternator requires no maintenance apart frorn occasionally checking that the snap con nectors in the output cables are clean and tight If rotor removal is necessary there i...

Страница 113: ... month This__shoulcl be carried out at a rate of l 2 amperes for 6 hours b When in use During normal operation the generator will rnaintain the battery in a charged condition Every 1 000 rniles 1 600 krn or monthly the battery will require topping up with a smalt quantity of distilled waten in order to keep the ptates and separators ill a moist condition Norrnally a teaspoonful of distilled water ...

Страница 114: ...y starting position is provided on the ignition switch for use if the battery has becorne discharged and a normal start cannot be made Under these conditions the alternator is connected direct to the ignition coil allowing the engine to be started independently ofthe battery lt should be noted that with the ignition switch in this position and the engine running the battery receives a charging cur...

Страница 115: ...Fault ffnding in the Low tension Circuit To trace a fault in the low tension wiring turn the ignition switch to loN position and then erank the engine until the contacts are opened or alternatively place a piece of insulating material between the contacts whilst the follow ing test is carried out For this test it is assurned that the wiring is fully connected as shown in the wiring diagram page G ...

Страница 116: ...g rnuch frner Each layer is paper insulated from the next on both primary ancl secondary windings To test the ignition coil on the machine first ensure that the low tension circuit is in order as described in Part A then disconnect the high ension lead from the sparking plug Turn the ignition switch to the fGN position and crank the engine until the contacts are closed Flick the contact breaker le...

Страница 117: ...etrol gasolene moistened cloth The contact faces should be slightly domed to ensure point contact There is no need to remove the pitting from the fixed contact When refitting the moving contact do not forget to refit the insulating shield to the condenser terrninal and apply a smear of grease to the con tact breaker earn and moving contact pivof post Lubricate the felt pad Panr E Checking the Flig...

Страница 118: ...ance of the engine and a cooler running type should be substituted A plug which has been running too cold and har not reached its self cleaning temperature is shown at c This has oil on the base of the insulator and electrodes and should be replaced by a plug that will burn offdeposits and remove the possibility of a short circuit The plug marked p is heavily sooted indicating that the mixture has...

Страница 119: ...rnator and charging circuit are satisfactory If the readings are lower than those quoted then the alternator must be tested as described in Part B Pnnr B Checking the Alternator Output Disconnect tire three alternator output cables and run the engine at 3 000 r p m Connect an A C voltmeter 0 15 volts rvith I ohm load resistr r in parallel with each ol the alternator leads in turn as shown in the T...

Страница 120: the circles manked on the fixing bolt and nut indicate that the thread firrm is l a in U N F Testing the Rectifier To test the rectifier first disconnect the brown wlrite lead from the rectifier centre tel minal and insulate the end of the lead to prevent any possibility of a short circuit occurring and then connect a D C voltmeter with I ohm load resistor in pa rallel between the rectifier cen...

Страница 121: test are conducted Flc G 5 The rectifier shon ing termins conneiliotts A voltmeter in position Vl will measure the volt drop amoss the rectifier plate In position V2 it will measure the supply voltage to check that it is the recommended l2 volts on load ln Fig G 7 the rectifier terminal rnarkings 1 2 and 3 ars as shown physically in Figs G 5 and G 6 while terminal 4 represents the rectifier cen...

Страница 122: ...out to locate the fault 2 Connect the green black lead frorn the wiring harness to the rectifier centre termi nal by means of a jumper lead Turn the 4 lest sequence ignition switch to fcN position and the lighting switch to HEAD position and connect a D C voltmeter with I ohm resistor in parallel between green black lead at rectifier from harness and earth The voltmeter should read battery voltage...

Страница 123: be a d justecl externaliy lf the horn fails to work ch eck the mor rnting bolts ete anci horn conneetion wiring Check the battery for state of charge A low supply voltage at the horn wiil adversel3r effect horn perforrnance lf the above cheeks are nrade anci the fau t is not remedied thcn adjust the liorrt as il iuitLlwS S onn Ad lustment When adjusting and testing the h rrn do not ctrepress th...

Страница 124: ...rries its normal load the headlamp full beam should project straight ahead and parallel with the road surface To achieve this place the maehine on a level road pointing towards a wall at a distance of Fro G 9 I eadlamP dismantled 25 feet arvay with a rider and passenger on the machine slacken the two small screws on the adapter rim at either side and tilt the beam unit until the beam is focused at...

Страница 125: ...the ignition warning light and the parking light access being gained to eaeh of them by first rernoving the rim and light unit assembly Each bulb holder is a push fit into its respec tive cornponent and the bulbs are located by meails of a peg arrangement except for the speedometer light which has a screw type bulb LUCAS SrAP TAtr lllrP MODqL 964 tEIII ASKGI w Fro G ll Stap and tai lamp dismantled...


Страница 127: ...stud nuts sL Rotor fixing nut Valve cover nuts Valve cover nuts 5 t6 B S C 2 8 S C ts F B S C 5 16 B S C 5 16 E S C 14 ts s c ts s c B S C 5 16 B S C l 4 B s c 26 20 2Q 26 26 26 20 1 I 26 I I 2al 26 I I 26 I 0 525 0 820 0 9t9 0 595 0 525 0 525 0 7as a Ms 1 010 0 525 0 440 1 383 8 29s 8 987 4 83e 5 530 3 871 4 i48 2 48e 2 76s Q 489 2 76s 8 2e5 e68 8 zes 1 383 0 6er 0 e68 l0 60 65 35 40 8 30 r8 20 1...

Страница 128: ... 720 18 88 mm and 830 21 082 mm A F Ring spanner 445 11 303 mm and 600 15 240 mm A F Tyre lever 2 otr Tappet spanner 265 6 731 mm and 530 1 3 462 mm A F Screwdriver for contact breaker Feeler gauge 08 2032 mnl Feeler gauge 010 254 mrn Tommybar for box spanner Phillips screwdriver Tommybar for box spanner Open ended spanner 533 l3 538 mm and 608 15 443 mm A F Box spanner 440 11 176 mrn and 525 13 3...
