© Brüel & Kjær Vibro
● C106834.002 / V06 ●
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Brüel & Kjær Vibro
Instruction VC-1800 Series
Installation and Operation of VIBROCONTROL
6.11 Kurtosis
The unit-less statistic index "Kurtosis" represents a very good indicator for the analysis in low
(rotational) speed machines.
To include the kurtosis as part of the vibration analysis, this function must be enabled by marking:
"Enabled." The kurtosis value of a signal is a unit-less entity.
A transient filter is used to remove unwanted non-periodical noise spikes in the vibration signal that
might otherwise corrupt the measuring result and cause false alarms.
The user can set/change the following parameters related to the kurtosis with the Compact Setup
End-value (unit-less)
This value depends on the application but should never be defined as follows: 10.0 The default
value for this parameter is: 20.00
RMS averaging time (in seconds). Selectable between 0.1 and 10.0 seconds. This value should
never be below 3 seconds
The default value for this parameter is: 3 seconds
Transient filter: enabled or disabled. This function is by default: enabled
The calculation of the kurtosis is carried out within the bandwidth of the band-pass filter selected in
band 2. Please keep in mind that the kurtosis function only makes sense for high frequency
analysis, i.e. with a band 2 band-pass bandwidth starting at 2 kHz.