© Brüel & Kjær Vibro
● C106834.002 / V06 ●
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Brüel & Kjær Vibro
Instruction VC-1800 Series
Technical Data
Technical Data
For further technical data please refer to our VC-18xx product specification BPS0155-DE.
Configurable outputs:
The user can configure up to 4 analog DC outputs or
alarm relays in total.
Each of the 4 DC outputs can be configured as 4-20 mA,
0-20 mA,
2-10 V or 0-10 V.
Any of the measuring parameters can be assigned. The
output is proportional to the measuring range.
Tolerance: ................................................................. max. ±0.3%
Voltage load: ...............................................................min. 10 k
Current load: ............................................................. max. 400
Max voltage. ........................................................................ 28 V
Max current: .................................................................... 100 mA
ON resistance: ..................................................................
12.9 Ω
Max OFF status leakage current: ....................................... 10 uA
OK safety relay
Max voltage .......................................................................... 28 V
Max current: .................................................................... 100 mA
Max isolation voltage .......................................................... 100 V
ON resistance: ..................................................................
12.9 Ω
Max opened leakage current: ............................................. 10 µA
Supply voltage
VC-1850/60/70 monitor module:
+24 V DC, ±5 %;
Max. power consumption:10 W
VC-1801 relay module
+24 V DC, ±5 %;
Max. power consumption: 10 W
Total power loss 4 W
if all relays are short-circuited (this should be avoided, as the
total power loss may be up to 10 W.)
VC-1803/04 communication module
+24 V DC, ±5 %;
Max. power consumption: 6 W
Total power loss 4.0 W
Etherbridge = 1.5 W (24 volts)