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© Brüel & Kjaer Vibro
● October 2017 ● C106635002 / V01
Technical alterations reserved!
3.23 Measuring Direction
The measuring direction of the VIBROCONTROL 850 is in the direction of the length axis of the
cylindrical enclosure with no restriction in mounting angles.
3.24 Reset of Alarms
When the vibration level is reduced below the Alarm trigger level, the Alert and Danger alarms will
automatically disappear. If alarms are latched, alarms can be reset by disconnection “/ Latch Alarms”
wire from “GND” for a short period.
Connection and disconnecting “/Latch alarms” wire to “GND” will reset alarms as well, however if the
Alarm Trigger Level is still exceeded the alarms will reappear after the delay time.
Please note that the activation of the Danger relay as the result of a system failure can NOT
be reset using the procedure described in this paragraph. Reset of a latched System Failure is
generally possible by performing a complete successful Self-Test. If this does not end the
system failure alarm, disconnecting the unit from the main power for a few seconds should do
the task.
3.25 Inhibit Alarms
The Alert and Danger alarms and the activation of a system failure cannot be inhibited, i.e. cannot be
de-activated for some time. This feature is not available in the VIBROCONTROL 850.
3.26 Grounding the housing of the device
Speed control systems of rotating machines often generate a very strong electric field interference that
may cause problems with the vibration monitor. In such a case, the user can position DIPswitch #8 to
“ON” and thus connect the chassis ground, i.e. the steel housing of the device to the GND potential of
the supply, if the electrical wiring diagram of the device in the application allows the housing to be on
GND potential.
Please consult the wiring diagram of your machine to make sure that connecting the GND
ground potential to the housing (i.e. DIP-switch #8 = ON) neither jeopardizes the safety
function of your device nor has the potential to damage the electronics of the device inside the