Browan Communications Inc.
No.15-1, Zhonghua Rd., Hsinchu Industrial Park,
Hukou, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. 30352
Tel: +886-3-6006899
Fax: +886-3-5972970
Copyright 2020 Browan Co., Ltd.
| `-- test
|-- images
| |-- aws_demos
| |-- aws_demos.bin
| |-- bootloader.bin
| |-- ecdsasigner.crt
| |-- ecdsasigner.key
| |-- ota_data_initial.bin
| |-- partition-table.bin
| `-- storage.bin
`-- requirements.txt
● is a script to invoke esptool commands
esptool/ provided by Amazon FreeRTOS
images/ includes the firmware images released by Browan. New firmware updates only need to update t
his folder.
is a script to install the required packages
requirements.txt is the python module require list for esptool
In Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, you need to install the following packages:
* libssl-dev
* libffi-dev
* python
* python-pip
* python-setuptools
* python-serial
* python-pyparsing
And install the following packages using pip:
* testresources
* setuptools
* pyserial>=3.0
* future>=0.15.2