Remote Printer Console Program for DOS
The utility program, Remote Printer Console (RPC), is available on a
floppy disk supplied with your printer. When you operate your
computer in the DOS (Disk Operating System) environment, this
program allows you to easily change the default settings of the printer
such as fonts, page setup, emulations and so on.
This program also provides a status monitor program, which is a
Terminate-and-Stay Resident (TSR) program. It can monitor the printer
status while running in the background and report the current printer
status or errors on your computer screen.
Popular Printer Emulation Support
This printer supports three popular printer emulation modes, HP
LaserJet 5P, Epson FX-850, and IBM Proprinter XL. When you use
DOS application software or Windows version 3.0 or earlier, you can
use any of these emulations to operate the printer in the 300 dpi
resolution mode. The printer also supports auto-emulation switching
between HP and Epson or HP and IBM. If you want to select the printer
emulation, you can do it using the Remote Printer Console Program.
Printer Status Monitor with Bi-directional Parallel Interface
The printer driver can monitor your printer’s status using bi-directional
parallel communications. A high quality bi-directional parallel printer
cable is recommended.
The printer status monitor program can show the current status of your
printer. When printing, the animated dialog box appears on your
computer screen to show the current printing process. If an error occurs,
a dialog box will appear to let you know what to correct. For example:
when your printer is out of paper, the dialog box will display “Paper
Empty” and instructions for the proper corrective action.
Optional Apple Macintosh
An optional Apple Macintosh serial interface is available, which allows
your printer to be connected to Apple Macintosh computers. With this
option, you can use your printer with both an IBM PC, or compatible,
and an Apple Macintosh computer at the same time. This optional
interface board can be used as an RS-422A interface for Macintosh or
an RS-232C serial interface for an IBM PC or compatible.