Alarm Controller - Mains Powered
Product Description
Smoke Alarms are designed to detect smoke par�cles in the
air. However, other airborne par�cles, i.e. steam, cooking
fumes, dust, etc. can also cause smoke alarms to generate
false alarms. With interconnected smoke/heat alarms, when
one alarm senses smoke/heat/CO, all alarms will sound.
With these Brooks alarm controllers, they can provide the
occupant with easier inspec�on, service and iden�fica�on of
where these false alarms have ini�ated.
Two models for Alarm Controllers are available:
1. BAATLS: To test, locate and silence ac�ve 230Vac
smoke/heat alarms
2. BAAISO: To only isolate ac�ve 230-volt smoke/heat alarms
Compatible Smoke/Heat Alarms
Both BAAISO and BAATLS can be used with Brooks 230Vac
interconnectable range of smoke/heat/CO alarms, 160e,
140RC and 3000 Series smoke/heat/CO alarms.
All 160e, 140RC and 3000 Series smoke/heat/CO alarms
MUST be fi�ed with EIBPLATE when connec�ng to BAATLS or
BAAISO. The EIBPLATE has an addi�onal terminal to connect
the ba�ery nega�ve required for connec�on to BAATLS or
Smoke/Heat Mul� Sensor:
Heat/CO Mul� Sensor:
Carbon Monoxide:
Both BAAISO & BAATLS must be installed by a
licensed electrician in accordance with regula�ons for
electrical installa�on (AS3000). Failure to install the alarms
correctly may expose the user to shock or fire hazard.
Due to con�nual product development, Brooks reserve the right to alter product details and specifica�ons without prior no�ce.
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BAATLS / BAAISO - Alarm Controllers
Head Office:
Sydney, 4 Pike Street, Rydalmere 2116 | PO Box 7050 Silverwater BC1811
Regional Offices:
Melbourne - Brisbane - Adelaide - Perth - New Zealand
www.brooks.com.au - Toll Free 1300 783 473
Mains Powered 230V
EIB166e, EIB146RC, EIB3016
EIB161e, EIB141RC
EIB164e, EIB144RC, EIB3014