MagnaTran 7.1 User’s Manual
Maintenance and Repair
O-Ring Removal/Replacement/Cleaning
Brooks Automation
Revision 2.2
O-Ring Removal/Replacement/Cleaning
All o-rings should be inspected periodically to ensure proper operation. Occasionally
o-rings will need to be cleaned (if contaminated with particulates) or replaced (if dam-
To maintain the extreme cleanliness achieved at the factory, wear
gloves when handling any of the MagnaTran 7 components that will
enter the vacuum environment.
Required Tools
Brass or plastic pick
Isopropyl Alcohol (100%)
DI Water
Krytox LVP Vacuum Grease
Procedure Strategy
The o-ring replacement procedure requires removal of the existing o-ring, inspection
of the seal area, repair of the seal area if necessary, inspection of the o-ring, and
replacement of the o-ring if necessary.
Removal Procedure
Using the pick, pry the old o-ring out of the o-ring groove starting at the plunge
hole. Once a section of the o-ring is free of the groove, gently remove the rest
of the o-ring by hand, being careful not to damage or scratch the o-ring or the
seal area.
Use only a tool made of brass, plastic, or similar soft material.
The o-ring groove is aluminum and EXTREMELY sensitive to
ANY small scratches left in the surface.