MagnaTran 7.1 User’s Manual
Safety Considerations
Brooks Automation
Revision 2.2
Safety Considerations
Personnel Safety Guidelines
The MagnaTran 7 may provide several direct safety hazards to personnel if not prop-
erly installed or operated.
Persons operating and servicing the MagnaTran 7 should be properly trained.
Possible injury can result from the automatic operation of the robot.
Know the location of the following:
Fire extinguisher
First Aid Station
Emergency eyewash and/or shower
Emergency exit
Be aware of sharp edges while working around the location of the robot.
The following safety equipment should be donned prior to operating or servic-
ing the robot:
Eye protection
Safety Shoes
Hard Hat
Observe the facility guidelines pertaining to loose clothing while working
around the robot.
Perform a complete review of the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for each
material used with the product. These individual sheets are provided by the
It may be recommended that the use of hazardous materials, such as cleaning
fluids, be used during routine maintenance procedures. Perform a complete
review of the Safety Information Sheet provided at the end of this chapter for
each recommended substance.
Ergonomic hazards may exist with certain operations pertaining to the robot.