MagnaTran 7.1 User’s Manual
Electrical System
Brooks Automation
Revision 2.2
Electrical System
The MagnaTran 7™ electrical system complies with all CE specifications, RFI, EMI,
ESD and SEMI S2-93. The board set includes communications, motion control, power
control, and discrete I/O monitoring and control. Additionally, the electrical system
provides all external connections for the robot including power and I/O.
The robot is comprised of five major circuit boards as follows:
PC104 CPU (Supervisor Board)
Personality Board (Motion Control Computer)
T1/T2 Axis Driver Board
Z Axis Driver Board (optional)
I/O (Interface) Board
PC104 CPU (Supervisor) Board
The Supervisor (SUP) board is a 33 or 44MHz 386X based PC104 processor module.
This embedded computer supports Brooks Automation robot specific application
software. Upgrades to the firmware are performed through the interface board serial
port onto a FLASH memory disk. The Supervisor board’s primary function is user
interface and general control. The Supervisor board is mounted and interfaced
directly to the MCC.
Personality (Motion Control Computer) Board
The Motion Control Computer (MCC) board, a 60MHz DSP based motion control
computer, governs the motion of the robot arms and provides access to time sensitive
I/O functions; such as wafer sensing. The SUP board provides command information
to the MCC and the MCC provides status and error information to the SUP board.
T1/T2 Axis Driver Board and Z Axis Driver Board
The T1/T2 Axis Driver Board (and Z-Axis Driver Board if equipped) provides power
to the drive motors. Main power is supplied to the T1/T2 board which distributes
this power to the T and Z drive circuitry. This board also provides logic and encoder
power to the rest of the system. The T board has three glass fuses that provide special
protection for power distribution.