Jan-12 pentaclip ds
The Pentaclip is designed for rail saddles with a rail spacing of 43 mm (centre to centre) and a rail diameter of 7 mm,
though it will cope with a reasonable variation in these. If the saddle’s rails are closer together the pentaclip may feel
stiff when the angle is adjusted.
Fitting pentaclip to a saddle
Unscrew the bolt from the threaded part LPT and slide bolt, washer and part LPU out together (Fig SP07). While
doing this, hold the pentaclip by squeezing the two parts RP together: this stops the pentaclip clutch-plate assembly
coming apart. Still holding the clip in this way, slide it between the rails of the saddle.
Slide the bolt (with washer and LPU) back into the hole.
-The pentaclip can be positioned on the rails of the
saddle at two heights – see the section ‘Changing saddle height’.
The concave groove in parts LPU and LPT should engage with the saddle rail (Fig SP10).
Check there is grease on the bolt thread and screw the bolt into threaded part LPT so the parts are held in place but
are still a little loose.
Fitting saddle and pentaclip to bike
Slide the pentaclip onto the seat post, positioning about
halfway up the small diameter part of the seat-post. This
will ensure enough clearance from the saddle to the seat
post for optimum comfort, and enough clearance from the
Pentaclip to the frame to avoid accidentally damaging the
Set seat to the desired angle and fore-aft position and
tighten bolt to 15Nm. Do not over tighten the bolt as this
can damage the thread.
Fig SP10:
pentaclip rail
Saddle rails
Fig SP07:
pentaclip installation