Brocade FastIron GS and FastIron GS-STK Hardware Installation Guide
Related publications
The following Brocade documents supplement the information in this guide:
FastIron Configuration Guide
– for FastIron Edge Switch X Series (FESX), FastIron SuperX
Switch (FSX), FastIron SX 800, FastIron SX 1600, FastIron Workgroup Switch X Series (FWSX),
FastIron GS (FGS), FastIron GS-STK, FastIron LS, FastIron LS-STK, and FastIron WS products.
Provides configuration procedures for system-level features, Layer 2 features, and
configuration information for Layer 3 enterprise routing protocols including IP, RIP, IP multicast,
OSPF, BGP4, VRRP and VRRPE, as well as configuration and management information for
stackable devices. This guide also provides procedures for securing management access to
Brocade devices and for protecting against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.
Brocade IronWare MIB Reference Manual
– contains the Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) Management Information Base (MIB) objects supported on Brocade devices.
IronWare Release Notes for the FastIron GS and FastIron GS-STK Switches
– describes
features introduced in each software release, lists features that are supported on FGS and
FGS-STK devices, and describes how configuration procedures or defaults differ from those on
other Brocade devices, due to FGS hardware architecture.
For the latest edition of these documents, which contain the most up-to-date information, see
Product Manuals at kp.foundrynet.com.
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Web access
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Ticket. Make sure you specify the document title in the ticket description.
E-mail access
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