DiViNe Route 66
13 / 18
rev. 1.2
Connection Example
The example shows the connection between one Route66 and two Repeat48 units. Route66 is configured as 8 x
4 router, so it can send 8 SD/HD/3G video channels to two different locations. On each locations it is possible to
connect Repet48WDM unit, which is equipped with two SD/HD/3G outputs, four inputs and two fiber optic tunnels
for OPTOCORE® protocol transport. Connections between Route66 and both Repeat48WDM are done by fiber
cables. Routing in Route66 platform may be set to the fixed layout or be controlled by user with a controlling
software platform, like VSM.
Fig. 1: Connection of one Route66 and two Repeat48WDM units.