2/24/2008 9T6WP
Preliminary Hardware Data Module
Functional Description
Bro a d c o m Co rp o r a ti o n
Data Transport Processor Page 1-13
The Data Transport Processor is an MPEG-2/DIRECTV transport stream message/PES parser and demultiplexer. It is
capable of simultaneously processing 255 PIDs via 255 PID channels in up to six independent transport streams using the
six available parsers. These six streams are selected from six external serial transport stream inputs, and five internal
playback channels. The data transport supports decryption for up to 128 PID channels in the six streams. All 128 PID
channels can be used by RAVE, PCR processors, message filter as well as for output via the high-speed transport or remux
The data transport supports up to 128 PID channels for message or generic PES processing and storage in up to 128
external DRAM message buffers. There are 512 4-byte generic filters supported for processing of MPEG/DVB sections or
DIRECTV messages. A special addressing mode filter is included for up to 32 PID channels (PID channels 0-31), which
filters MPEG and private stream messages.
The data transport module supports RAVE (record, audio, and video interface engine) function, which supports up to 24
channels. Each RAVE channel can be configured as a record channel for PVR or as an AV channel to interface to audio and
video decoders. The RAVE supports up to a total of 32 SCDs (configured 0-8 per record channel).
The data transport also provides four PCR recovery blocks and two serial STC broadcast block for transmitting the STC to
the decoders.
The Broadcom data transport processor, shown in
, is an MPEG-2/DIRECTV transport stream message/PES
parser and demultiplexer. The module is capable of simultaneously processing 255 PIDs via 255 PID channels in up to six
independent transport streams, which are selected from six serial transport stream inputs and five internal playback
channels. The processor supports decryption for up to 128 PID channels. The processor supports up to 128 PID channels
for message or generic PES processing for storage in external message buffers. All 128 PID channels can be used for RAVE
(record, audio and video interface engine), PCR processors as well as for output via the high speed transport or remux
module. 512 4-byte generic filters are supported for processing of MPEG or DVB sections. It includes a special addressing
mode that filters MPEG and private stream messages. It provides 128 message buffers that reside in external memory that
can be used to store the messages from the 128 PID channels.