Select a SIM card.
Tap Lock SIM card to use PIN. Check to enable,
uncheck to disable.
Enter the current PIN code.
To change the PIN code, select Change PIN.
Enter the old PIN code.
Enter the new PIN code and confirm.
Setup Screen Lock
You can set up a lock for your screen in form of Pattern, PIN
code or password.
Go to Settings > Security.
Set up screen lock.
Select a desired form (Slide, Pattern, PIN code or
7 . 1 0 L A N G U A G E & I N P U T
Use the Language & Keyboard settings to select the language
for the text on your device and for configuring the onscreen
keyboard, including words that you’ve added to its dictionary.
7 . 1 1 B A C K U P & R E S E T
You can use the Privacy settings to manage your personal
information, such as back up my data, automatic restore and
factory date reset.
7 . 1 2 A C C O U N T S
Use the Accounts to add, remove, and manage your Google
and other supported accounts. You also use these settings to
control how and whether all applications send, receive, and
sync data on their own schedules, and whether all