100-214-276 Rev. 3
2000X aed Actuator
Chapter 2: Introduction to the 2000X aed Actuator
Instruction Manual
Glossary of Terms
2.6 Glossary of Terms
The following terminology may be encountered when using or operating a 2000X-series ultra-
sonic welding system. Some of these terms may not be available in all Controls (Power Supply
model) configurations:
AB Amplitude:
The amplitude at the horn face during the afterburst step.
AB Delay:
Time delay between the end of the hold and the start of the afterburst.
AB Time:
The duration of the afterburst.
Abort Current Printing:
Terminates the current printing request.
Absolute Cutoff:
Ends the ultrasonic portion of the cycle when the set absolute distance is
Absolute Distance:
The distance the horn has travelled from home (ULS deactivation).
Absolute Mode:
A mode of operation in which the ultrasonic portion of the cycle is terminated
when a user-specified distance from home has been reached.
Absolute Position:
The position of the actuator after clearing the Upper Limit Switch.
A reported value that occurred during the weld cycle. The converse is the set parameter
that was requested during the setup.
Ultrasonic energy applied after the hold step. Used to break away sticking parts
from the tooling.
Alarm Beeper:
An audible signal that sounds when a general alarm has occurred.
The peak-to-peak movement at the horn face. Always expressed as a percentage
of the maximum.
Amp A:
The amplitude applied to the part from the start of the weld to the step change.
Amp B:
The amplitude applied to the part from the step change to the end of the weld.
Amplitude Graph:
A graph of amplitude percentage plotted against time.
Amplitude Step:
A change in amplitude during the ultrasonic portion of the cycle.
Amp Control:
The ability to set amplitude digitally or by an external control.
A pretrigger condition indicating that pretrigger engages when the actuator leaves
the upper limit switch.
Baud Rate:
The rate of data transmission over the serial communication port.
An audible signal produced by the Branson control board. Used to alert the operator to an
unexpected condition.
Cold Start:
A condition that restores a setup to its default values.
Collapse Distance:
The distance the horn has travelled from the trigger point of ultrasonics.
Collapse Mode:
A mode in which the ultrasonics portion of the cycle is terminated when a user-
specified distance from the trigger point has been reached.
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