MANUAL P/N 900000108 REV D
System Status
The System Status section consists of seven fields, the Version, Time, State, Locked, TFOM,
Alarm/Fault and Alarm/Fault LED. The Version refers to the version number of the ENTA. The Time
refers to the current UTC time. The State refers to the state of the system. If the system has locked to
the reference and the time is valid, Locked is ‘TRUE’. Otherwise, Locked is ‘FALSE’. If an alarm or
fault exists in the system, Alarm/Fault is ‘TRUE’. Otherwise, Alarm/Fault is ‘FALSE’. If the system’s
fault is latched, Alarm/Fault LED is ‘TRUE’. Otherwise, Alarm/Fault LED is ‘FALSE’.
The three system states are described in
Table 3
The power up warm-up period.
The system is ready.
The system is acquiring its reference.
The system is locked to its reference.
The system is in holdover.
Table 3 System States
Reference Status
The Reference Status section consists of two fields, the Reference Type and Locked. The Reference
Type refers to the reference the system is acquiring time from. If the reference is locked and provided
to the disciplining engine, Locked is ‘TRUE’. Otherwise, Locked is ‘FALSE’.
The Setup tab consists of four sections, the System, Ethernet 1, Ethernet 2 and Front Panel Display.
This tab allows the user to modify setup information for the ENTA. To save all modifications made to
the Setup screen, click the Submit button. This saves all modifications to all changes made to all
system parameters and settings. All values changed are written to non-volatile memory.
To undo all modifications made to the Setup screen, click the Reset button. This loads the system