Care and Use o f . . . .
CAPACITY-Boyar-Schultz Model 6-12 Surface
G r i n d e r , a 6 x 12 machine with actually 7 inch
cross feed travel . . . one inch m o r e than the indi-
cated 6 inches. Longitudinal travel is 13 inches and
vertical travel of spindle is 11½ inches.
SPINDLE—This is the "working unit," the very heart
of the machine, and is designed for very close
tolerance, smooth finish grinding; supported at
each end by over-size, pre-loaded, radial thrust,
super precision ball bearings. Spindle is motivated
by a special ½ H . P . motor and connected to motor
by precision made pulleys and V Belt. Sturdily
built, it will absorb the heavy demands put upon
it during a long period of time.
TABLE—Best material, stress and strain relieved.
M a d e with one V e e way and one Flat, ground and
scraped for smooth operation.
tional hand wheel and also by Rapid T r a v e r s e
Table Lever. Either may be disengaged while the
other is in use. Large H a n d Wheel provides extra
TABLE CARRIAGE—Table travels on two flat precision
and hand scraped ways, mounted on main grinder
base. Cross feed travel is actuated by lead screw
supported by ball and needle bearings and located
between table ways. N e o p r e n e Accordion Sleeve
seals lead screw from dirt and abrasive dust.
A Cross feed binding screw stops transverse mo-
tion when desired.
SPINDLE ELEVATING SCREW-Supported by ball thrust
bearings and operated by a set of carefully selected
bevel gears. Responds instantly to slightest move-
ment of hand wheel because radial thrust bearing
provides constant tension between hand wheel
shaft and vertical screw.
HAND WHEELS—placed to afford greatest convenience
and are fitted with needle bearings for easy opera-
tion. Vertical feed graduated in half thousandths;
cross feed in thousandths. Working part enclosed
for maximum protection from abrasive dust.
NEEDLE BEARINGS—Five sets of needle bearings are
used in Model 6-12 Surface G r i n d e r for long wear
and easy operation.
OILING OF TABLES-In keeping with Boyar-Schultz
progressive designing policy, the oiling system for
the longitudinal and cross feed tables, cross feed
screw and longitudinal hand wheel has been im-
proved to eliminate 8 of 9 oil cups, and at the same
time provide for better, more positive one point
lubrication. (see illustration below)
ADJUSTABLE LIGHT-Full visibility is possible with
light which is adjustable to any position.
S h o w i n g t h e I m p r o v e d o i l i n g s y s t e m d e v e l o p e d
f o r M o d e l 6-12 S u r f a c e G r i n d e r .
Wheel Capacity. 7 inch
diameter, ½ inch thick-
n e s s . 1¼ inch d i a m e t e r
hole size.
S p i n d l e E l e v a t i n g S c r e w .
Selected b e v e l g e a r s , s u p -
p o r t e d in Oilite b e a r i n g s .
View Showing the n e w
S t r e a m l i n e d s t a n d .