Connect HDMI or VGA cable between computer and projector.
Connect USB cable between projector and computer.
Calibration Process:
1. Turn on projector and make sure it is in the correct source input (HDMI or VGA).
2. Start the SP5 driver—this should be installed and automatically start when the computer boots up. The SP5 driver icon
will look red if not connected and green if connected by USB.
3. Click the SP5 icon and select calibration. This will turn the screen white
and display a calibration target in the upper left corner of the screen as
shown to the right.
4. Use the LightPen to touch this first target on the projected image to start
the process. Continue to likewise touch the remaining three targets.
5. Once all four targets have been touched, the system will take a few
seconds to interpolate the data, then will be ready to use.
Boxlight P5 WX31NST
Interactive Calibration and Troubleshooting
Materials Needed (Minimum)
Windows 7 or higher; Mac
Leopard (10.5) or higher
USB 2.0 rated cable
P5 WX31nst projector
SP5 driver software version
VGA or HDMI cable